
FLASH - EU-EOM said CIEVE report was manipulated as no massive fraud found

Experts of the Electoral Observation Mission of the European Union stated that the so called massive irregularities and frauds alleged during the last election in Haiti did not materialize. The EU-EOM notes that the report by the the Commission of Verification (CIEVE) did not prove that serious fraud or irregularities took place or had an impact on the results. As a result, there was nothing in the report to trigger a change in the positioning of the main candidates. The Electoral Observation Mission of European Union concluded that the results of the Commission of Verification (CIEVE) has in fact been manipulated.

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Work under way to nominate only one candidate for the G8

We have learned that there is a high possibility that one candidate could represent the G8 in the next presidential election in Haiti. I know what the next question is and I will answer it immediately. No, Moise Jean-Charles will not fall for something like this and would run under the banner "Pitit Dessalin". the group is currently working on the plan if thy manage to have a consensus on one candidate, it will likely be Jude Celestin.

Wouldn't this be interesting if we could have a race with Jude Celestin, Moise Jean-Charles, Maryse Narcisse and Jovenel Moise?

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Steven Benoit, I will not participate in the next presidential election

We don't know how many members of the G8 will participate in the next presidential election in scheduled for October 9; however, we know for sure that Steven Benoit will not. he has made it official that he will not be a candidate in the next presidential elections in Haiti. According to Steven, he will give its full support to the candidate that the G-8 will designate. As you may remember, Senator Steven Benoit who ran in the previous presidential election under Platform Konviksyon was place on 8th position. He is a member of the G8.

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Jude Celestin to confirm its candidacy soon

So far we know one of the 8 candidates in the G8 will participate in the next presidential election in Haiti.

Gérald Germain who is the campaign manager of candidate Jude Célestin said that said its candidate will confirm his candidacy for the upcoming presidential election remake scheduled for October 9, 2016. According to the member of the political party LAPEH, this has always been the objective of his candidate which is the organization of credible, democratic and inclusive elections.

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EU order staff to pack and leave due to remaking of Haiti election

The EU has finally reacted to the Verification Commission findings and the changes in the electoral calendars in Haiti. According to a statement released: "The announcement by the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) of Haiti, of the new timetable for legislative and presidential elections implies the cancellation of the first round of presidential elections of October 2015." "This announcement and its consequences go against the findings of the Electoral Observation Mission of the European Union deployed at the invitation of the Haitian authorities in July 2015." As a result, the mission considers the conditions not appropriate to continue with their mission in Haiti.

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Official Haiti Electoral Timetable, easy and simple

Election all over again in Haiti. On Monday, the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) announced the electoral timetable to finally put an end to the current cycle of election in Haiti. Here is what it will look like:

Launch of the electoral process to take place between 6 and 15 of June 2016

October 9, 2016 - Voting day number 1:
- 1st round of the Presidential election
- 2nd round of Legislative Complementary
- 1st round for 1/3 Senate

October 20 and 21, 2016: Preliminary results of the Presidential election and 1st round 1/3 of the Senate.

October 29 and 30, 2016: Preliminary results of Legislative Complementary 2015

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The CEP wants to prevent Zombie voting in next election

A the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) announced the rerun of the last presidential election for October 9, 2016, they have decided to make some major changes to improve the electoral process all together. One of such changes includes putting an end to the practice of poll workers and observers being allowed to vote wherever they want on election day. The CEP thinks this was one of the reasons for fraud recently where more than 400,000 untraceable or Zombie votes and 180,000 fake voter were identified by the Verification Commission

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Publication of electoral timetable postponed until June 6

The results of the Verification Commission published yesterday (may 30, 2016) has domino effect. The CEP as announced that due to the publication, the electoral calendar has been postponed until June 6, 2016. According to the CEP spokesman, they made the decision in light of the Verification Commission results and also the recent Decree by the government modifying their tasks.

What do you think?

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FLASH - Travel ban issued to all 9 members of Pierre-Louis Opont CEP and Mosler Georges

Just as Mr. Francois Benoit was delivering the report of the Commission of Verification to the government, the current CEP and the public, Government Commissioner Jean Danton Leger was also buzy issuing travel bans. Last night, Mr. Leger issued travel ban to all 9 members of the former CEP of Pierre-Louis Opont CEP and Mosler Georges

The reason is for failure in their mission of verification of the conformity of the process. The infractions included in his travel ban include: fraud and fraud in public writing causing grave prejudices to some of the candidates

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Commission recommends Presidential Election to be redone

The Commission of Evaluation gave his report today to President Privewrt and the CEP. It is incredible the kid of findings his team found during the evaluation. Here is some key points of his finding, with his own quotes:

"Distribution of mandates done in a way I would say frantic, opening the way to a kind of trade of access mandate, sold and traded"

"There are certain liberties that were taken with the law with the electoral process which create a range of non-retractable zombie votes to the point that the number of non-retractable votes almost exceeded the legitimate votes"

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