Jean-Charles Moïse Reported Misuse of 50 Million
On July 11th, a false statement of the CEP was published on the social networks, announcing that the presidential candidate Jean Charles Moise, of the Platform Pititt Dessalines has been removed from the list because he had submitted fraudulent documents. Moise accused some traditional leaders close to the international community, the government in power and a part of the economic elite's involvement in spreading these rumors. When he was the Mayor of Milo, on June 14, 2004, at around 4:00 am in the morning, a contingent of French soldiers along with some U.N. (blue helmet) soldiers invaded his house and arrested his wife in his absence, leaving his small underage children without a mother. However, Moïse is not alone. Some other heavyweight presidential candidates like Ex-Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe, Verite candidate, Jacky Lumarque and Konbit Nasyonal candidate Edwin Zenny were also expelled from run on charges of manipulation. This expulsion of Moïse by the CEP appears to look like an attempt to be fair and consistent.
Read more: cep, Moise Jean Charles, pitit Desalin, People
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