A call for Haitian sacrifice for independence from Dominicans
Effective October 1, 2015, a total of 23 Dominican products will no longer be allowed to enter Haiti by land but either by boat or plane. In addition, only two cities are designated to receive these imported products, Port-au-Prince or Cap Haitian.
The European Union ambassador, Alberto Navarro, came out against the decision. According to the ambassador, the decision of the Haitian government to ban import of 23 Dominican products by land is Very bad. He argued that this is likely to harm the most disadvantaged people in Haiti.
On the other hand, Dominican Republic's Herrera and Santo Domingo Province Industries Association had suggested that the issue of trade between the two nations be removed from politic. Their main concern is the flow of trade between Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
I understand that some people will suffer even more than they are currently suffering as there is a possibility that these products can cost more and out of reach of many. Is this a legitimate reason for Haitian to continue to depend on the Dominicans to feed them?
What do these people propose? should we continue to spend our hard dollars in the Dominican Republic and use our land not to make it more productive but to build tents to receive our deported who are arriving by the hundreds and thousands?
If Indians did not make some sacrifices to fight the British empire, do you think they would have been a free nation today?
If African Americans did not make the sacrifice to fight the establishment and demand certain rights do you think that minority groups could have been in the position to enjoy some of the rights that we all take for granted in United States such as voting, access to good universities, voting rights, just to name a few?
If we Haitians did not say enough is enough and make a decision during the Bois Caiman ceremony to fight our Masters, do you think Haiti would have been a free nation today?
Read more: dominican haiti, dominican, Dominican Republic, import, Newsletter Articles, International
« Dominicans want to talk as product ban could cost them 500 millions a year | Main | Michel Martelly went crawling to Danilo Medina following protest »
All Comments (8)
waaaa waaaa waaaa! The big, bad, Dominicans will not let our Haitian brothers remain illegally in their country, so we are going to throw a tantrum and hinder their exports into Haiti; if Mexico were to implement that idiotic, non-practical, and unsustainable policy toward the United States for deporting Mexicans, USA would look for other markets for its products, and that is exactly what Dominicans should do; Furthermore, if Haitians are going to expand that idiotic, non-practical, and unsustainable policy toward other nations that deport Haitians (like the Bahamas, for example), they will end up without export and import partners in an age of intertwined economies.
This is suppose to be our last call regarding this conflict and i hope we Don't look back enough is
We are hearing calls for economic independence from the Dominican Republic because it is enforcing its immigration laws and expelling undesirable illegal aliens; I also expect to hear calls for independence from foreign aids, NGOs, MINUSTAH, missionaries, etc, for those entities comes from countries that enforce their immigration laws and would deport Haitians if they had the chance.
Haitian authorities feel entitled to dump its poor and uneducated citizens on the Dominican Republic, and that they be allowed to work and live there illegally; Haitian authorities and the people they represent refuse to acknowledge that the Dominican Republic, as an independent nation, has the right to enforce its immigration laws and to expel undesirable illegal aliens.
Just to remind you fox, the Dominican did not fight for their freedom to possess that land that they live in but, we
This has been a shame to hear what these people are doing to our People, As a matter of fact to darker skins, because Dominican is nothing but mestizo"Spanish/Black mixing".
I have a Friend here in Texas from the Dominican Republic here that commit the most stupid pleonastre in in History.
I ask him what is he consider himself as far as race, Which he reply proudly that he is not black- He is Dominican, Which I reply Sir Dominican is not a race, it's an Island called Hispaniola shared my tow Nations! Anyway-There are not white.
il est temps de prendre de bonnes decisions pour la fierté et l'honneur de tous les haitiens vivant en Haiti et l,étranger.Le gouvernement doit banir ces produits
de notre territoir jusqu'à ce que le gouvernement dominicain traite nos frères avec dignité.
Le banissement va s, engager à partir de notre douleur qui fode nptre fierté et nous constitue, et à partir de laquelle nous pensos, faire des choix et agir.
Notre fierté engendrée par la douleur nous serve toujours de
Just to remind you fox the Dominican did fight for their freedom to be in possession of the land that they are in. We
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