Martelly Delivers Speech on Education System Challenges
Martelly dragged out old platitudes, ". . . that . . . education . . . will improve the economic and social conditions of the population." Martelly also used a new buzz word, "inclusion", to urge its application ". . . from kindergarten to university . . ." He added the way out of poverty is ". . . for all children to have a solid education." He called upon his government to commit to teacher training, more school textbooks, school construction and maintenance, and school lunch programs.
More talk came from Martelly on regulation, control, and research. He droned on about applying ". . . standards and principles of modern governance . . ." regarding higher education. Nowhere in his speech did he talk about funding the education system, or the Education Fund itself, which the GOH keeps dipping into for other more important purposes.
Several years back when Preval was president, a ten-year plan to build a free public education system was being developed at a cost of about $2 billion. What happened to that?
Read more: Education, Education
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