Moise Jean Charles - Haiti Observer Blog

Moise Jean Charles, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Moise Jean Charles


Moise Jean Charles demands to stop all meetings with Michel Martelly

Breaking news. Senator Moise Jean Charles made the news this Saturday on Ranmasse. He publicly demands that all meetings with President Michel Martelly should stop. Any scheduled meeting by the opposition with the president should be cancelled because they are for the international consumption.

According to Senator Moise Jean Charles President Michel Martelly is scheduled to take the stage at the United Nation (UN) this coming week and he wants to use these meetings to show the international community during his speech that democracy is moving forward and that he's talking to everyone in the country. According to the Senator of North, the President is not really serious and doesn't have any real plan to continue with these meetings, pass his UN presentation

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Will Laurent Lamothe receive Discharge from Senate to run in Next Election?

President Michel Martelly as well as Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe have been busy, traveling the country. They are often met with fans, people who have approved their job performance so far. Many in the general public believe that the Martelly-Lamothe team is in a campaign mode and actually running their campagn for the next general election,while the campaign season is not officially open

If that is the case, would you say that this is not fair to the opposition who can not campaign until then?

The Martelly-Lamothe may have the advantage at this time, however, it may not hold for long. Just think for a moment that Laurent Lamothe is the chosen person for Martelly, the one that Michel Martelly will support in the next election to replace him.

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Jean Bertrand Aristide in House Arrest, Who will have the last laugh

Former Haitian President Jean Bertrand Aristide is under the control of Haitian government. He has been put on House Arrest for failing to appear at a court hearing recently. So far, to the surprise of many in the population, there has not been any problem.

Jean Bertrand Aristide, the one many thought was untouchable, is actually in Jail.

What happened? Has Aristide lost his capacity to rally the mass? Has his popularity been eroded?

In the meantime, it seems that the Government of Michel Martelly has been gaining ground with he opposition. Suddenly, critic of the government is willing to negotiate with Martelly. Former First Lady Mirlande Manigat would not mind seating with the President to iron out their differences. Moise Jean Charles, although still not willing to meet the President, stated that he will abide by any agreement made with his group, as long as it is with respect of the law.

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Senators of G6 Opposition pull the break on meeting with Michel Martelly

Not so fast man, that is the reaction of the 6 Senators in opposition who were supposed to meet with President Michel Martelly at the National Palace today. They were supposed to meet meeting this Monday, 01 September 2014, at 11am to find ways to iron their differences.

I can picture this already: Michel Martelly coming out of the meeting with Senator Moise Jean Charles, hugging each other. Don't keep your hope, this will never happen

No meeting with President Michel martelly will take place until the Senators meet with the real political parties in opposition. This meeting is scheduled to take place on September 2nd.

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Fanmi Lavalas changes course, now wants Michel Martelly out

The Lavalas Political Party must admit this: Moise Jean Charles has demonstrated that he is more stable than the hierarchy of the Lavalas Party, including Maryse Narcisse and team. After they publicly announced their distance with Moise Jean Charle and Arnel Belizaire, joined the table of inter-Haitian dialogue, they finally realized that Moise Jean Charles was right after all. Fanmi Lavalas changed course, calling for general elections.

The "On" again, "Off" again positions of the Lavalas party.

As part of their new position, Fanmi Lavalas announces a big demonstration for Thursday, February 27, to demand the organization of general elections this year.

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Moise Jean Charles is example of Democracy in Haiti, Michel martelly

For the past two years, Senator Moise Jean Charles has not been moderate as to the various labels he has attributed to the government of Michel Martelly. Names like drug dealing, corruptions, dictatorship and racism are often words used by the Senator of North to describe our president. Do you think that the ability for Senator Moise Jean Charles to criticize the government of Michel Martelly is a proof that Democracy exists in Haiti?

At least the Haitian president believes that his government has exercised tolerance, a requirement for Democracy. During a visit in the city of Cap-Haitian on Thursday, January 23, 2014, President Michel Martelly confirmed that Senator Moise Jean Charles is a vivid proof that Democracy exists in Haiti.

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Abel Descollines ready for Dechoukage if no election in 2014

Deputy Abel Descollines will be in opposition with the government of Michel Martelly if there is no election in 2014. The Deputy of Mirebalais-Boucan Carré gave an ultimatum to the government saying that if he does not hold election in 2014, the government will be forced to resign.

Deputy Abel Descollines however, does not agree with the position of some politicians who believe that the transitional College of the Permanent Electoral Council (CTCEP) should leave before the next election.

Eske sa vle di ke Depite Abel Descollines ape vini jwen Moise jean Charles si pa gin eleksyon ane sa?

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Moise Jean Charles, FOPARK and the slogan Eleksyon ou Demisyon

In analyzing the current political situation in Haiti, I can safely say there is no way that Moise Jean Charles of FOPARK will be able to force Michel Martelly out of office within the next week or at least within the next 3 three months. Therefore, they will have to return and modify their famous slogan: "Eleksyon ou Demisyon". In another term, the opposition is full of "Hot Air"

Here are the reasons why I came up with this conclusion: Either intentionally or due to our historic inability to find consensus or agree on almost anything, there has been a major split in the opposition. Since the controversy that existed when members of the FOPARK wanted to demonstrate in front of the US Embassy in Port-au-Prince while the Lavalas party would not take any part of it, manifestations against Martelly government do not have any steam. Also, The State Department put all its weight behind the government of Michel Martelly and said publicly that the current government must finish its 5 years term.

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Fanmi lavalas is now a disfunctional family

The Video that says it all: Division in Fanmi Lavalas. The supporters of Moise Jean Charles would not let Maryse Narcisse talk. Can this division actually take down Fanmi Lavalas?

Here is the video that will explain all that. D

What do you think will likely happen?

Will Moise Jean Charles and Arnel Belizaire be reinstated in the Fanmi lavalas to avoid any further problem/

What do you think Jena Bertrand Aristide should do at this point?

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Maryse Narcisse & Moise Jean Charles, two sides of the same coin

Here is a video of Simon Dieuseul Desras in an unsuccessful attempt to reconcile Maryse Narcisse and Moise Jean Charles. In this meeting recently held in the City of les cayes, Senator Deras did his best to bring the two sides together but it did not work. Moise Jean Charles and Maryse Narciss stayed in opposite sides of the Fanmi lavalas party.

Monchè se sa ke mwen rele "Teate". Eske nou konnin gade match Resling? Se pa lot bagay se yon match resling. Nan match resling, nou konnin ke bagay yo pa vre, min nou rinmin gade li: paceke ginyin kompetisyon ki fè ke li interessan. Anbin, nan ka Fanmi Lavalas ki divise antre Maryse Narcisse et Moise Jean Charles, se minm bagay-la. Pa gin anyin ki verite nan sa. Meciedam yo ak jwe ak moun et sa ki interessan-an, nou tout pran nan jwet la.

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