RE: Deputy Arnel Bélizaire Jailed, No Immunity Lifted
Hey Djojo, if you don't have anything to say just shut your m...
President Martelly goes where?Haiti need people like Michel Martelly cause
nou toujou nan vole, nou toujou nan magouy, nou toujou nan kidnaping, men si nou konnen gen yon moun kap fout nou nan prizon, kwe siw vle nap mache sou 13 nou pap pile 14 nou, kanta pou ti bono'm yo rele Belizaire-a, wi li pat gen dwa fet konsa, men fok li konnen tou poul pa di nenpot pawol ak yon prezidan ki gen yon rev pou yon peyi.bon rete ki kote menm li pase poul arive depute hmhm. le temps d....
le rest.merci
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President Martelly must go! The deputy should not be...
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Deputy Arnel Belizaire jailed, no immunity lifted
Deputy Arnel Bélizaire was taken to jail upon arrival from a visit in France. According to police, he was taken for questioning as he was named...
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