Re: The Haitian Military Is Back As Forces Arme D'Haiti Occupied Camp...
Haiti, a small country but it it is a place where only big politic is on the menue.
The funny thing is that common Haitians will never know the real forces or players in the Haiti game.
I have been following Haiti politic for quite a while now, It is very interesting.
Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphe.
However Haiti has a very important role. To many big players, Haiti is a place used constantly to conduct any pilot project in the politiucal field.
For the current crisis in Haiti.
Whether it is about the return of Jean-Claude Duvalier, Jean Bertrand Aristide, Martelly's citizenship, return of the Haitian Military in Camp Lamantin, they are all symtoms or actions to affect the political landscape.
The only time we all will know the real direction for Haiti is when we see a gig article appeared in one of the major newspaper either in the US, Canada, or France.
Based on whom the blame go to we will know their days are numbered and they soon will be victims
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