Let's see how good you are. Will it be Michel Martelly or Mirlande Manigat
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So far, 22 comments have been posted, read what our visitors think about Let's see how good you are. Will it be Michel Martelly or Mirlande Manigat
it is Michel Martelly all the way. The CEP will announce that the next president of Haiti will be Michel martelly. The difference will be so great that it will not be worth... more »
In a surprise announcement, the result of the election willbe given to Mirlande Manigat. Mirlande will win by 51 percent. this is enough to get her to become the next president... more »
CEP will mess it up and give the election to Mirlande Manigat. Haiti will be a place that will be in turmoit for the next five years until a new election takes place. At this... more »
I voted for Michel Martelly and I know many people voted for him. If the CEP wants to play with the mind of the Haitian people and do MAGOUILLE, they will have to pay the price... more »
Talking is cheap and action is everything Haiti is about to change for good. The Haitian youth will make sure of it. This change is inevitable, as it was in Tunisia and Egypt... more »
Michel has the popular vote. The youth of Haiti want Michel. Michel will be President. If you do not think that Martelly will be president, then tell me who will stop him from... more »
Martelly annonce sa victoire avec 69,74% des suffrages, Mulet appelle le Jeudi 31 mars 2011 Haiti: Michel Martelly a annonce jeudi matin sa victoire aux elections du 20 mars avec... more »
new president will be MICHEL MARTELLY like the population ask for & vote for.......... more »
Mirlande Manigat will be elected as president Of Haiti by a vast majority. I cannot believe that anyone with a sense of decency would vote for Martely.He proclaims himself to be... more »
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