Louis Jeune Jn Ronick - Message Board
Topic and comments posted by Louis Jeune Jn Ronick
RE: Allegation Of Coup D'Etat Conspiracy Against Michel Martelly
February 15, 2012 12:49 PM
One thing that people have to memorize, where Martelly was crossing to be here as a President, This is something to try to understand. It is misterious. Me personaly i think... more »
Condition Pour le depart de la MINUSTAH
February 15, 2012 9:52 AM
Lundi 6 Décembre 2010 "HAITI, une occasion à ne pas manquer" "Que la MINUSTAH parte, mais sans les materiels" Nous sommes pour le départ des hommes de la Mission... more »
Re: American Embassy, USA Passport PUSA0439112330 Not For Haitian...
February 15, 2012 9:46 AM
Lundi 6 Décembre 2010 "HAITI, une occasion à ne pas manquer" "Que la MINUSTAH parte, mais sans les materiels" Nous sommes pour le départ des hommes de la Mission... more »
RE: American Embassy, USA Passport PUSA0439112330 Not For Haitian...
February 15, 2012 9:34 AM
Just in case of lying to the Haitian people, The Senator will know what to do to facilitate the project if you accept so... He has to be arrested and judged and sent to Prison... more »
Re: American Embassy, USA Passport PUSA0439112330 Not For Haitian...
February 15, 2012 8:14 AM
Nowadays it is easy to understand Moise Jn Charles, He thinks he Prevent Michel Martelly From Going up, i say no it is the country instead, but one thing i know for sure, there... more »
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