Carel Alexander Appointed as New Director-General Haiti Ministry of Defense
In his speech, Carel Alexander, a former commander of the Corps of Intervention and Maintenance of Order and former head of presidential security, expressed appreciation over the appointment. He said that being named as the new Defense Ministry director-general is a chance for him to serve the country once again. He vowed to commit himself to the efforts of the Defense Ministry to protect the country and ensure peace and order. He promised to utilize his skills, knowledge, and capabilities to support the ministry's initiatives and to carry out the tasks given to him.
Carel believes that there is a need to boost the ministry, given the security threats coming from all corners of the Earth. He called on all politicians to work together in coming up with a strategy to deal with terrorism and environmental threats. Addressing such matters, Alexander said, not only protects Haiti and the government's defense policies but more importantly ensures the safety of civilians.
Defense Minister Joazile, on the other hand, congratulated Carel Alexander on his new role. He is confident that Alexander will do his job efficiently and successfully. And that the both of them, together with the entire ministry, will be able to achieve the country's goals and aspirations.
Read more: Haiti Government, Government, Carel Alexander, Jean Rodolphe Joazile, Ministry of Defense, Government
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