Lack of LGBT Rights in Haiti a Serious Concern to the Diaspora
The Roman Catholic Church and its affiliated groups have also condemned existence and practice of same-sex relationships. But one faith does show acceptance of LGBT people, Voodoo believers. LGBT persons are welcomed to participate in ritualistic rites, and are allowed to ascend the hierarchy as long as they prove themselves worthy.
The Diaspora, in New York City, in 2007 founded social service agency, Haitian Lesbian and Gay Alliance, (HLGA) to support the LGBT community and raise awareness in Haiti. Encouraged by the HLGA's public endorsement, a sprinkling of Haitian gays participated in a gay civil-rights march in 2008, the first of its kind in Haiti.
Parliament has not introduced any proposals to forbid anti-gay verbal or physical abuses. Of the dozens of political parties in Haiti, not one has spoken out for LGBT rights.
To demonstrate the attitude towards gay rights in the GOH, senators and deputies spread rumors a female candidate for prime minister practiced lesbianism. To save her career, she had to declare she was not a lesbian, and that the rumors damaged her character.
Ironically, a gay-community shadow culture exists among state social agencies, top-level government administrators, and the diplomatic service that socialize with one another. The GOH privately accepts gays, but publicly denounces them.
Read more: diaspora, Voodoo, Catholic, Gay, Lesbian, LGBT, Bisexual, Transsexual, Same Sex, Home and family
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