Marleine Bastien - Haiti Observer Blog
Marleine Bastien, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Marleine Bastien
Marleine Bastien wants to stop deportation now and free our children
The Haitian Women of Miami staged a press conference outside their Miami offices on August 27, 2014 to test the theory that there is strength in numbers. The advocates would try to sway the immigration officials, who have in custody over a dozen Haitian migrants, to release a list of the names of those held. Speaking to the crowd at the event, the group's Executive Director, Marleine Bastien, said that the detainees needed to be given their right to due process.
The refugees were picked up days before as they tried to enter the United States through Hillsboro Beach. Information is scarce, but of the 20 migrants suspected to have set out, 19 have survived, 5 of whom are children. Desperate family members also were present at the press conference, holding up pictures of their loves ones, chanting along with the crowd for a stop to deportation and the release of the children in custody.
Marleine Bastien, on the Frontlines of Immigration Reform
Marleine Bastien, born in rural Pont-Benoit, Haiti, is a champion of immigrant rights. Her calling in life came early; when at the tender age of eight, she was already ministering to underfed and cast-off children at a Deschapelles medical facility. Her father, a rice and mango grower, was her biggest influence, a self-taught medic, who provided medical treatment to suffering village people.
Marleine Bastien did more than provide food aid and a comforting presence; she also helped them become literate. The biggest reward for her was when a child, who was so frail they couldn't manage a smile, beamed at her.
Cheryl Little Stands for Children in Miami-Dade
Cheryl Little is a heroine to immigrants in Miami-Dade. The immigrant community turned out to honor her during the Ninth Annual Champions for Children Ceremony. Seven grade-school girls adorned in ethnic denim dresses and scarves performed a dance to celebrate the event.
Little has worked persistently on behalf of the rights of immigrant families for almost 30 years. In recognition of her contributions, she received the David Lawrence Jr. Champion for Children Award. This award, given out every year, is named for David Lawrence Jr., nationally recognized as a pre-school education advocate and the ex-publisher of the Miami Herald.
Haitian Women Honored by Consulate General of Haiti in Miami
On Sunday, 24 March, Miami's Cultural Section of the Consulate General of Haiti honored 12 women for their professionalism and creativity in community and humanitarian activities. This ceremony was held in Miami's Moca Café & Lounge. This ceremony was hosted by Émeline Michel, a famous singer from Haiti. The 12 women were awarded by "Beacon of Hope and Achievement Award". The ceremony was an outlet for thanking these women for their achievements and also to boost their morale for further contribution towards the development of the Haitian community.
The award was given out in turn by François Guillaume II (Miami's Consul General of the Republic of Haiti), Guy François Jr. (Vice-Consul), Mr. Isson Joseph (Consulate's Head for the Section of Community Services) and Cultural Section's Head. The 12 women who received the "Beacon of Hope and Achievement Award" were:
• Émeline Michel - A Haitian Artist
• Jenna Green - Project Medishare
• Dr. Marie Etienne - Haitian American Nurses Association
• Kimberly Green - Green Family Foundation
• Judith Joseph - Breakfast with Santa
• Marleine Bastien - Fanm Ayisyen Nan Miyami
• Rasha Cameau - Haitian Ista
• Nadie Mondestin - Haitian Youth Community Center
• Major Franzia Brea-Burden - North Miami Police Department
• Paola Pierre - HACCOF (Haitian American Chamber of Commerce of Florida)
• Nadine Patrice - Operation Green Leaves, Inc.
• Gepsie Metellus - Sant-La
Marleine Bastien, Rudolph Moise, Yolly Roberson, Philippe Brutus fight for U.S. Congress
Will we see the first Haitian American in U.S. Congress?
Four Haitian Americans are candidates for the congressional seat being vacated by U.S. Rep. Kendrick Meek.
The four Haitian American candidates in the district where the population is about one-third Haitian, include: Dr. Rudolph Moise, 55, a family physician, lawyer and Haitian movie star; Marleine Bastien, 50, executive director of the Haitian Women of Miami and a longtime community activist; state Rep. Yolly Roberson, 54, a lawyer and nurse, and her ex-husband Phillip Brutus, 52, a lawyer and former state legislator.
This race could result in the first member of U.S. Congress born in Haiti
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