Testimonial emails received from current Newsletter Subscribers
List of emails received from readers with most current on top:
I want to say thanks to you for the wonderful news and music that you have been sending to me for the past yrs . It is a very good job well done continue doing what you do best , and god will be by your side also your family . Again thanks
From Emmaopp37 !!!
Hey Roland! How are you? It's been a while since we've talk. I just wanted to let you know that we appreciate you and your work as always is exceptional.
Thank you,
Sonny Benjamin to Roland
I really appreciate the updates you have provided, you are really the best journalist/jourdalist. From the bottom of my heart thank you.
Staford Francois to Roland
I just wanted to say that ur doing a really great job with ur site/information that ur providing. Hopefully u do receive a lot of these email. If u don't, as u know as Haitian we were not raised in providing compliment to each other as doing great was the expectation, if u mess up, we will not lie to u and say u did a great job. We Haitian and we are proud, but as a new generation, we can trick few stuff that are not so great....
Once again great job
Have a great one.
Good day Roland,
I have noticed from your music videos. The music has so much rich mixture.
And the way people enjoy. I have also noticed how beautiful Haitian women are.
Deep dark eyes, very strong feautures and the most beautiful thing Haitian woman have...
Beautiful, expressive hands. Their hands reflect the history of your country, you can perceive the warm, loving spirit of Haiti, in the hands of your women.
Haiti music, the sounds of Haiti, is full with ancient cry and modern fight. Is like listening to an unborn child. Is pure but full of the pain of the carrying mother...it strength comes from the sweet savia of a land that will not surrender.
Thank you for showing us what Haiti is.
aracely delao
Dear Network team,
Thank you so much for this beautiful song, I LOVE IT; Thank you for all the videos you send day by day.
I am Mexican, you are Haitian, but I feel so close to you.
I have learned so much from Haiti reading your Articles, listening to your music, your recepies for your delicious food.
Is such a pleasure to open my mail each day and hear about my Network Friends.
Roland, so who are you?
A writer, an editor? A group of people?
Mon cher Roland, Je te felicite pour ton bon travail. Je te remercie pour les albums de Djetx et Volo Volo. Je les jouissais aux Etats Unis.
J'etais en plein de jeunesse. C'etait le beau temps
J'ai laisse le Cap-Haitien en 1974. Je visit mon cher pays Haiti chaque annee.
Je vie de nostalgie.
Hi! Roland, how are you? you know I love u so much. I thank u for your informations and I read them everyday,ok.
Patchuko to Roland
Brother it gives me great pleasure to read your messages when time permits. You are and inspiration to me and all those I share your devotions with. May God bless you and may your holiday be very joyfull for you and yours. I look forward in the near future to possibly take the time out when I am in Miami to stop by or grab lunch together.
Patchuko in orlando
Irma Louisma to Roland
I, as a Haitian truely enjoyed the progress done by my people. The site is "Great". I enjoyed every bit of it.
I was listening to Frederic Francois's songs and see the pictures, that was awsome.
Keep up the good job!
Happy New Year to you, Roland. You are doing a pretty good job. Keep it up. May God bless you and your family. I wish you all the best.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Ruben Etienne to Roland
You are the number one site in the world for keeping me connected with the good news any where.
I am thankful for that.
New Beginning to Roland
HI, ROLAND. Great work, keep it up. God has annointed you for this and may he continue to do so and bless you with all financial tools and helps that you may need to make this go to a higher degree.... My best regard to you and everyone that's standing with you to make this possible. From the bottom of my heart, " THANK YOU."
I'm looking up on you. People like you, that's what we need to make HAITI to become a country again and to continue to go forward and stay ahead..... We love you Roland and may God's grace be upon you and guide you through all truth.
Sent Out, December
By:Lionel TrujilloTowing
Dear Brother and Friend Roland, once more, I am going to give it another try. As you can observe, you have received many unfinished email from me tonight. The reason for that is because I am using my iPhone and due to the compactness of the keyboard, I mispress the wrong key which either erase the entire message or send it out unfinished.
Here we go again. Sometimes in life, "Tenacity" is the key for "SUCCESS". As I remember the story of "Robert Bruce" and the small "Spider", a story that I recall when I was in Elementary School in Ha¨(c)ti some 62 years ago, studying at the "Fr¨¨res De l' Instruction Chretienne" in Cap-Haitien, my Beloved Natal City. I believe that this time, I will make it since this will be my seventh attempt reelaborating this message.
Dear Brother Roland, just a few words to give you all the Credits and Merits that you deserve for a Job Well Done as a Great "Haitian "Joudalist". Also Dear Brother and Friend, it is a great pleasure for me to thank you for keeping me "Well Informed", with many interesting events about our devastated Country not only by God Hands, but mostly by the hands of our own people in charge of governing this Beautiful Country, surnamed "La Perle Des Antilles".
Roland, I left Ha¨(c)ti and never return there, on the second of August of 1963 to go N.Y. the Dream City of all young Haitians in that era, with my Beloved Mother which is now resting in Peace in Glendale California. Now, I am 71 years old and I would like to visit Ha¨(c)ti before I join my Mother in Her Long Lasting Farewell Trip. But I must admit that I can see this desired trip very remote for myself, since all my friends are also in N.Y., France, England and so on, and I no longer have anyone to visit in Ha¨(c)ti. From NY, I moved to Venezuela where I have resided for the past 34 years. I love it there due to it resemblance with Cap-Haitien, quiet, surrounded by mountains like Cap-Haitian with wonderful and peaceful people.
Sorry Brother Roland if I get carried away, the content of this message was actually for you and not to write about myself so let me go back to the right track again. Also, being a Journalist is not as simple as most People take it for granted, like being seated in the comfort of their rocking chair, with the AC on and reading the news right at home. No Sir, I am aware that the duty of a Joudalist requires hard work, self-discipline, lot of physical and mental efforts, self sacrifices up to the point of risking their own life, in order to accomplish this difficult task of being a Great Joudalist lije you are. Just keep up the Good Work Brother. To me, you are my "H¨¦roe" and may The Coming Year 2012 be A PROSPEROUS YEAR for you and may all your desires becomes reality. Also, may The Good Lord in His Love for Human Being gives You Good Health and Long Life Always so this way we can enjoy You for many more years to come. It is also my desire that The Lord Jesus Christ extend all the above wishes to The Staff and Personal that works with you and finally, The Same Whishes for all Of your Family Members. HAPPY NEW YEAR. Que La Paix De Dieu Soit Avec Toi Et Ta Famille. Your Friend Lionel.
Dear friend since I have been in contact with you it has been the first time I became happy again in a long time.
I don't know how to explain you what you do to me. Sending me those music of Frederic Francois, you make me feel when I was 12,13,........ I never email you to say thanks for all the music, news, all information you sent to me, because I told you already I'm not good in English and you, you don't speak ,French ,Creol also> But for that gift "Frederic Francois" I can not keep my mouth close this time to say thanks Roland Berthold. Don't say I'm crazy for that, I asking you, how can I find from the first to the last music album of Frederic Francois? If you know a way please let me know.
Thanks a lot
Yolle-men St Pierre
Mister Berthold you are doing a fine volunteer work. I wish you and your family Happy Holldays and longevite. You are for real. I am very proud of you my Haitian Brother.
Frantz Faneus
Andre Georges to Roland
Allo Monsieur Berthold! Joyeux Noel 2009 et Heureuse Annee 2010 . Sante et Bonheur a Vous et a toute votre Famille .
Par ailleurs, felicitations pour ce travail ardu que vous avez entrepris et Merci pour les bons moments que j ai passes grace a vos informations.
Andre. bye
Bonjour Roland,
Ça fait longtemps que je sens le besoin de t'écrire pour te remercier du soin et de l'intérêt que tu portes a me faire part des musiques choisies juste pour le plaisir. Je dois t'avouer que tu fais semblant de connaître mon goût. Les anciennes musiques, qu'elles soient du compas, de la chanson française ou de la musique antillaise conviennent beaucoup a mon goût. Merci pour tout.J'espère qu'il n'est pas encore tard pour moi de pouvoir te remercier.
Je profite ensuite de l'occasion pour te présenter mes voeux les meilleurs pour la Noel et te souhaiter du courage, de la persévérance et du succès continu pour l'année 2010.Encore une fois, merci pour ton encouragement.
Ton ami
Jean César Meurice
Hey- Roland,
Thank you so much for this music video, this music has given me life...
Jean Bengermain
Les Frères Déjean:
Encore une fois, Des Frères Déjean, Tu m'as fait écouter La foi, Encore une fois, Les Frères Déjean, C'est le bon vieux temps; Le temps des « hippies » dans le « West Indies »; Le temps des « samedis soirs » et des « pattes d'éléphant »; Le temps des « jamais dodo » et des « la fraîcheur »;
10. Le temps des afros et des bas gogos; Le temps des talons hauts et des « flâneurs »; Le temps des mini-jupes et des « bouts de pantalon ». Encore une fois, Les Frères Déjean, C'est quarante ans environ; C'est la fin des « sixties » ou le début des « seventies ». Mais c'est plus que ca. Les Frères Déjean, C'est la fraternité entre les gens et l'harmonie au sein d'une même gent. André, Fred, Philippe et Camille, Frères et fils de la même famille, Sont des exemples à suivre en Haiti. Mon ami Roland, encore une fois, Je te dis mille fois merci d'avoir voyagé dans le temps avec moi Via Les Frères Déjean.
Jean Bengermain
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All Comments (9)
Bonjour Radio Caraib!
Il semble que la reflexion d' Arnell Belizaire sur Le senateur Dumont a ete travesti or mal interprete.
Il a raison.
Dumont est un margouilleur.
Allez voir son intervention au cour de la seance du debat Petro Caribe.
Il fut completement hors du sujet dans le but de voiler sa position contre
Do you think Jovenel Moise know what the hell he is talking about?
Why he didn't negotiate the first time 2 to 5 years TPS, they need us more than we need them because, they don'thave enough workers to fill the jobs. Do your
Do you since 1915 they keep us the way we are, they think we are animals and they keep stealing our things we don't need them because they are doing nothing anyway Remember Haiti was
Bjr mwen kontan pou gro travay nap fe a men depi mois janvier gen yon gro problem kap trakase 9 fanmi nan nip spesyaleman nan kominn miragoane kote yon ki rele Orest Lorthe ki gen zanmi l ki komise li akuze 9 moun sa yo di yo touye frel ki te rele dyeswa depi le sa moun sa yo nan prizon yo pa janm ka juge yo rele Orest prizye fwa poul juge li pa mete pye e machine jistis la pa di anyen nan sa toujou mezenmi nou bouke nou bouke anba jistis patizannvri sa yo nan peyi a nou pakapab anko tanpri map mande pou nu edem jan nou kapab nan doule atros sa pou manman jenn gason plen avni sa yo ki ap peri nan prizon san yo pa knn anyen Orest Lorthe ak tout komisel la nou diw nou pa kapab anko trop abi fet nan ti peyi sa nu renmen anpil la mesi pou konpreyansyon nou mwe swete nou edem jan nou kapab pou sa rive devan otorite ki responsable yo mesi
What you wrote about Toussaint L. Airport is not totally correct.
In fact, the airport that was served as a military and a civilian airport is not the same one as the actual one now. The actual Toussaint L. Airport was built under the Duvalier's regime and was named after the dictator's own name. The previous Airport carried the name of Bowen Field and was decomissionned as a civilian airport after the construction and opening of the new one. The Lavalas regime after 1994 abandonned and finally shut down Bowen Field after selling for peanuts all different materials, equipments and aircraft located on that
Were there abuse of power during the Duvalier administration?
yes! Was there kidnapping and was Haiti a narco state then no! So as Paul McCartney said there is good and bad in everything.
The current administration is successful because it has implemented the same policies that the Duvaliers had, kudos to them long live a prosperous
Mr. Roland
De ma part je suis fier de vous, fier de vos travail, merci pour toutes les bonnes informations que vous m'avez envoyees.
Continuez ce beau travail, le peuple est a votre coté.
Bon succes, pa
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