ram - Haiti Observer Blog

RAM, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about RAM


Lunise Morse, singer of the group RAM, to represent Fanmi Lavalas in upcoming election

It is no longer a rumor. It is now confirmed that the wife of Richard Morse, Lunise Morse, has entered a new field, that of politic. She was officially designated last Saturday by Fanmi Lavalas to represent the political party at the next upcoming Senate election

Lunise Morse is the lead singer of the group RAM. Her candidacy for the Senate seat under the Lavalas Banner was announced during a ceremony to celebrate Mother's Day at the Aristide Foundation for Democracy.

If you can remember, the information has been circulating in the social media, after Lunise Morse's husband Richard Morse, made the information public. Richard Morse is the cousin and former adviser to President Michel Martelly. He recently accused left his post, accusing the current government of being involved in corruption corruption.

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Lunise Morse, wife of Richard Morse likely to Run for Senate under Fanmi Lavalas Party

The field is getting crowded. The next election in Haiti is definitely going to be something interesting. According to The Associated Press, Richard Morse, manager of the Hotel Oloffson and the leader of the musical band RAM, already met with Former Haitian President Jean Bertrand Aristide three times in the past two weeks to discuss the possibility of his wife, Lunise Exume Morse, to run for the Senate seat under Fanmi Lavalas banner.

Richard Morse is a first cousin to president Michel Martelly. He left the government last January for what he called "corruption" in the National Palace. The Morses are considering for Lunise Exume Morse to run as candidacy for the west department in the next election likely to take pale in 2013 or 2014.

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Richard Morse: I left the Government because of corruption and infrastructure sabotage

A major Canadian Daily newspaper and online publisher,, has reported that a powerful ally of the Haitian government made damaging allegation about the government. The lead singer of the popular music band RAM and the owner of the historic hotel in port-au-Prince Hotel Oloffson, Richard Morse, told the newspaper that he left the government because of corruption and infrastructure sabotage.

According to, Richard Morse stated: " I saw proof of workers filling drainage canals just before the rainy season, which resulted in flooding. He also said: "If you are creating disasters, it can only be for aid money," . In addition, he stated that he has seen evidence of "fake cheques, people getting paid who no longer worked there."

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Richard Auguste Morse a Politician of Questionable Integrity

Richard Auguste Morse (birthdate 1957) is of Puerto Rican and American parentage, his father an academic and mother a noted Haitian music artist. He attended Princeton University, where he became a musician, singing music popular during the 80s. By 1985, conflicts in his personal and professional lives led him to re-settle in Port-au-Prince. He managed a decrepit hotel there, where he eventually formed RAM, a mizik rasin group. He also met his future wife, Lunise, who became a member of RAM.

Morse's political views are subject to un-predictable shifts in his allegiances to political parties and movements. Initially, he supported Jean-Bertrand Aristide, a pro-democracy politician. One of Morse's songs, "Fèy", became an underground expression of support for Aristide's Lavalas political party. But by the mid-90s, Morse, disappointed in Aristide's effectiveness as a leader, switched allegiances and became a vocal supporter of his cousin, Michel Martelly, who appointed him as his special advisor when Martelly came to power in 2011.

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