Michel Martelly meets Jean Bertrand Aristide
So much was said between these two leaders. At one point, Michel Martelly was openly critical of Jean Bertrand Aristide.
However, the time has come where it is no longer something personal. We have a country to defend.
It seems to me that Michel Martell has done just that.
The big reunion about Haiti is now underway
What is your opinion on this?
Read more: michel martelly, Jean-Bertand Aristide, Martelly Aristide, Politics
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All Comments (5)
Though I am very late to send a comment on this, let me tell you that haiti is on the real rail of reconsiliation.But you personnally are you ready for that?
Michel Martelly is openning the way...Are you sincere enough to follow his foot prints?
we all need to reconciliate with ourselves
and with each other, then reconciliation
will take
Haiti has many needs:
1)We need at least 10 new Universities
2)We need about 10 new technical schools
3)We need to exploit petroleum, gold, marble, silicon, Bauxite,Iridium.
4)We need about 5000 scholarship to foreign Universities
5)We need help in agricultural development.
We needs temp worker's visas for the US and Canada and Europe.
6) We need help from outside to do all the above.
7) We need a new
In Michel Martelly, there is true hope that Haiti will see the Sun. Finally, we have a president who does not put himself before the country.
Unbelievable but true!
Monsieur le President, maintenez votre barque dans la direction de vos idees progressistes, avancees et clairvoyantes.
I think it's very important to try to reconciliate this nation.
I know some irreductibles will fight this process, but I'm sure the tformer and new president are sincere.
May God Bless
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