Champ de Mars - Haiti Observer Blog

Champ de Mars, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Champ de Mars


Michel Martelly celebrating three years in Office

This is something you can see for yourself. The third anniversary of the Government of Michel Martelly was celebrated in Champ-de-Mars this Wednesday, May 14, 2014 in front of an imposing crowd.

According to the number of people who were present at Champ-de-Mars to celebrate with the president, I can only make two conclusions: it's either the government or its supporters did a great job to gather all these people in Champ-de-Mars or the population is really satisfied with the accomplishments of his government.

Here is the video showing a large crowd of people in Champ-de-Mars to celebrate the three years of Michel Martelly in office

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Kita Nago, from Les Irois to Ouanaminthe, a symbol of Haitian Unity

Who would have thought that Haitians could decide to start a pilgrimage or parade by taking a piece of wood from one end of Haiti to the other end, on food and no compensation?

Harry Nicolas, nicknamed Mèt Fèy Vèt did. Harry Nicholas the person who came up with the idea of Kita Nago is a true Haitian believer. He is the one who came up with the idea of organizing a movement were Haitians would carry for not less than 700 kilometers from Les Irois to Ouanaminthe. They will be walking across Haiti, from the western tip southern peninsula, all the way to the northeast corner of Haiti.

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Protesters demonstrating against Haiti Election 2010

This an example of how the streets of the Capital, Port-au-Prince, has been the center of violence, following the 2010 Haiti Election. People took to the streets to protest the way in which the election was conducted and also are demanding that it is cancelled.

Many people took the opportunity also to commit acts of violence and vandalism on private properties. We witnessed many cars were broken into, Stores set on fire, and public properties destroyed.

In Champ de Mars, thousand of people demonstrated and marched to the presidential palace in Port-au-Prince to demand annulment of the Presidential election. The protesters were confronted by the Unites Nation force MINUSTAH who had to use gas and other methods in order to control the crowd.

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