Martelly Religion - Haiti Observer Blog

Martelly Religion, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Martelly Religion


Michel Martelly not on the right track, according to Monsignor Louis Kebreau

Monsignor Louis Kebreau is not satisfied of the socio-economic and political situation in Haiti and has observed a degradation lately.

The Archbishop of Cap-Haitian, said that President Michel Martelly is not on the right track. According to Monsignor Louis Kebreau, this degradation reached such a level, so that the country is like a patient who needs both a good psychoanalyst and a good therapist to help him find his inner balance in order to achieve a new vision for it out of this straitjacket in which it is completely immersed.

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Michel Martelly Visits Lakou Souvenance, Soukri Danach and Badjo

In the objective to support the Haitian Voodoo, Haitian President Michel Martelly visited three "Lakous" in the Artibonite Department on january 13, 2013: Lakou Souvenance, Lakou Soukri Danach, Lakou Badjo.

Martelly conducted the visits with an initiative coming from Culture Minister, Mario Dupuy. He entered inside of the Peristile of Souvenance with a Candle and a cup filled with water and and proceed to do the ritual called "Jete Dlow". The Haitian President received the benediction of the Haitian Voodoo priests or as they are called Houngan.

What is Souvenance?
Souvenance is one of lakous in the Artibonite region that are known for keeping a specific African Voodoo traditions. Lakou Souvenance celebrates the lwas originated from Daome which is called Benin today. Lakou Soukri Danach is known for celebrating the African Kongo tradition. Lakou Badjo has kept the Nago tradition of Yoruba.

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