Moto Taxi - Haiti Observer Blog

Moto Taxi, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Moto Taxi


At least 9 Moto-taxi drivers killed by gang in Thomazeau

How could you imagine that Taxi Drivers in Haiti could become the target of crime. Police in Haiti, with the support of the the U.N. force is currently is conducting an investigation in this matter. Haitian Police has revealed that so far the body of nine drivers based on a lead from a 20 year old suspect.

How did these crime take place?

Based on the Police investigating team, the gang members would lure their victims in a remote area close to the city of Thomazeau and kill them by strangulation or using machetes. A total of three suspects are currently in custody as the search continues to determine is there have been more victims.

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Moto-Taxi in Haiti, pro and con as Preferred mode of Transportation

Probably the most popular form of transportation in the Southeast department of Haiti, Moto-Taxi's, since their inception 15 years ago, have been a force to be reckoned with. Growing in importance to the point where they are one of the predominant modes of public transport, the moto-taxis have also, consequently, been a factor in many of the reported cases of trauma at hospitals. At the Saint-Michel Hospital in Jacmel, Dr. Gaspard SEM, who has the run of the outpatient clinic and the emergency department, reported that hundreds of reported accident cases were those involving moto-taxis, which often seat three or more riders at a time.

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The Town of Les Irois

Les Irois is a beautiful sea town located in Haiti. At the Grand'Anse Department in the Anse-d'Hainault Arrondissement it is a municipality. It is an administrative division at the third order. It is better known as Irois.

As per census, the population at Les Irois is around 17,340. It is located at an elevation of 110 meters above the level of sea. On the north of the Equator, it is located at 18° 24' 0" and on the West of the Meridian it is at 74° 27' 0". From the capital of Haiti, it is situated at a distance of 224 kilometers.

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