Jocelerme Privert became Haiti new Provisional President
The new Provisional President, Jocelerme Privert, took the oath of office on the same night. He will be serving for a term of 120 days with the responsibility to organize the the second round of Presidential election, partial legislative and local elections
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Haitian Kreyol
Jocelerme Privert prete sèman kòm nouvo Prezidan Pwovizwa
Nan lannwit 13 pou ouvri 14 fevriye, apre plizyè deba chofe, palman ayisyen an te deside vote Senatè Jocelerme Privert pou ranpli vakyòm ki te kreye nan gouvènman egzekitif pa demisyon Michel Martelly. Twa kandida te ranpli egzijans ki te etabli pa komite bikameral lan. Jocelerme Privert te vin soti an tèt ak 77 vote palmantè yo, Edgar Leblanc resevwa 33 vote ak Dejean Belizaire ki te resevwa 2 vote.
nouvo Pwovizwa Prezidan an, Jocelerme Privert, te prete sèman nan menm nwit la. Li pral sèvi pou yon manda de 120 jou e li gen responsablite pou òganize dezyèm wonn eleksyon prezidansyèl la, yon pati nan lejislatif ak lokal eleksyon yo
Kisa ou panse?
Read more: Jocelerme Privert, Provisional President, Provisional Government, Dejean Belizaire, Edgar Leblanc, Vote of confidence, Newsletter Articles, Government
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All Comments (1)
This is the first step of the process; however, it would be impossible for mr. Privert to prepare and have a successful election in 90 days. Maybe six months to a year, it would be fair to conduct an election in the next president elect will take office in February
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