North Miami Mayor Andre Pierre Involved in Developer Scandal
Mayor Andre Pierre wants to invest in CE. But the city charter bans officials from conducting business with city vendors like CE. Because Pierre is not known to make money in any capacity he has with CE, it's not certain if his investing in CE would be a violation of the charter terms.
City Councilman Scott Galvin was alarmed to find out Pierre was part of the deal-making between CE, OP, and BL. He construes Pierre's role as advisor to CE as a conflict of interest, because stakeholders involved in both CE and OP are double-dipping, potentially profiting from both CE and BL projects.
Swerdlow won the cash-cow BL bid. It's clear that Pierre's involvement in CE and BL has played a major role in Swerdlow winning the city contract. Mayor Andre Pierre has created a loop hole, thinking he can over-ride the city charter, because he has received no monies for his advisory capacity. But he kept secret his connections to BL until recently found out.
Read more: Mayor, Investment, Investor, North Miami, Andre Pierre, Scandal, Cayemite Enterprises, Petite Cayemite, Michael Swerdlow, Biscayne Landing, Scott Galvin, Double-Dipping, United States
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