Sarah Palin will visit Haiti this weekend
Sarah's scheduled visit to Haiti is at a time when things are extremely unstable in the country. There have been daily protest in Haiti from the time the election results were published. Public protests, gunfire and barricades were reported throughout the country. The U.S. Stated Department recommended Americans not to travel to Haiti.
Do you think there is more to Sara Palin than what the media appears to present her for? By that, I mean, Is she a caring, giving person who wants to go to Haiti to help the poor, the needy and to contribute to society. Do you think Sarah knew where the country of Haiti was located prior to January earthquake?
Isn't this a great opportunity for Palin to kill two birds with one stone and look more qualified for her possible candidacy for president of United States in 2010?. In that I want to say this trip to Haiti will improve her international exposure, She will be able to say "I visited Haiti". Also she will look very good with one strong political base of the Republican Party which is the Christian evangelists.
Do you think she is trying to have great picture opportunities by going to Haiti? It will be very good for a potential presidential campaign in 2012.
So many questions my friend and not too many honest answers!!!
In the meantime, Haiti continues to be a game for many
Read more: sarah palin haiti, Sarah Palin, People, Alaska, Republican Party, People
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All Comments (6)
Sara Palin is going to Haiti so she can mock the country just as her mentor Billy Graham.
These Red Neck don't want to help the country.
Maybe she just want to show her other side of racism.
I will be
it's just like you knew that what it is, what ever they want to do go in do it but we can go any where without they let us in but we don't have any said when they want to come in uor house.that
Sarah Palin going to Haiti.
can she see Haiti form Alaska?
I do not think she is going to Haiti to help. She has her own agenda and it has nothing to do with Haiti.
She is preparing her campaign for the 2010
Haiti it's like Hollywood.
You come in, you do your thing and you leave.
No question asked
as I was watching how Haitian people were destroying and burning their own facilities they expect services from, my question is why would the international community help?
What else is new. Sarah Palin in Haiti.
Pov Ayiti.
I think Haiti has become a place of opportunity for many.
The U.N. force has been in Haiti for years now with good employ and distributing cholera to the vulnerable Haitian people.
Haitian politician want to stay in power forever so they can become reacher and reacher.
Now it is Sarah Palin who think Haiti could help her in her future political plan
Sarah Palin is going to Haiti not for the people in the country who are suffering.
She is using the current situation for her own political gains.
The same way she has taken advantage of her sick child, she will not stop at anything to further her dream of becoming President of the United States.
I hope people would see
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