Saut-d'Eau, The Pilgrimage Site
One of them is the town's breathtaking waterfall, where the name Saut-d'Eau was actually derived from. The waterfall becomes a hot spot during the annual pilgrimage, as people go to the site and jump into the waters as part of their ritual. Believers from both Catholic and Voodoo religions strip down their clothes and bathe in the waterfall, which is said to have healing powers.
Another significant site that believers go to during the festival of the Lady of Mount Carmel is an area where the patron saint reportedly appeared more than 150 years ago. According to the legend, the Virgin Mary was seen by a palm tree in the area in 1847. The incident spread like wildfire and concerned a French priest, who feared that it might create a superstition among the residents. In order to stop it, the priest had the tree cut down. However, it did little because people still considered the area a sacred and holy site. Given the town's cultural, historical and religious significance, thousands of Haitians and other people from all over the world troop to Saut-d'Eau every July 16 to celebrate the festival.
Read more: Voodoo, City, town, Saut-D'Eau, Centre Department, Pilgrimage, Fete champetre, City
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