Haitian Politician Daniel Fignole

Daniel Fignole was Haitian politician. Fignole was born in 1913 in the coastal town of Pestel. Fignole recognized that education was the key to a better future. Therefore, at the age of 24, he went to Port au Prince in search of education and work. Being poor and not able buy a balanced diet made him to suffer from malnutrition. But this did not hider him from performing well in school. He passed well in his finals, making him to be enrolled in a good school. Later on he got a job as a teacher in children of Haiti's wealthy elite.


In 1942 he founded a newspaper called Chantiers which was against Haiti's politics. In this newspaper he criticized the black Americans who mistreated the poor black Haitians. He also campaigned for programs that cared for the poor. All these did not please the then president, Elie Lescot, and to tame Fignole down he banned the newspaper, sacked him and put him in police control. Fignole was so determined to represent the poor that he still went on campaigning for the poor who nicknamed him Professor. He became known for influencing the poor on street demonstrations.

He led Mouvement Ouvrier Paysan (Peasant Worker Movement) which included all these workers: factory, dock, hydraulic, gas station, barbers, dessert chef and laborers. He greatly fought for the rights of laborers during the pre-Duvalier era. This made his life full of spies, imprisonment and beating. Fignole became a president for three weeks but was overthrown and sent to exile for fighting for the poor. He died in 1986.

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Read more: Haiti Politics, politic, Pestel, 1986, Daniel Fignole, 1913, 1942, Elie Lescot, Mouvement, Ouvrier Paysan, president

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