aids - Haiti Observer Blog
AIDS, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about AIDS
The truth about the introduction of AIDS from the U.S. to Haiti
By Dr. Gérard Alphonse Férère, Professor Emeritus, Saint Joseph's University.
As part of his vulgar and spurious statements against Haiti and her citizens, Donald Trump allegedly declared that "all Haitians have AIDS". Such erroneous statement would illustrate the level of his paroxysmal lack of information about that proud and loving people. Hereafter, a clear historical and scientific discussion of what I call "The truth about the introduction of AIDS from the U.S. to Haiti". It was in 1981 that two occurrences of the disease were formally confirmed in the continental United States, but it is believed that these were not necessarily the first. Soon after, in 1982, a most incorrect and unfortunate decision by the American medical authorities was made, when rushing to judgment, they indiscriminately included all Haitians among their so-called "high risk groups", together with homosexual men and I.V. drug users. In that regard, positions were taken and official statements made in very irresponsible manners by people who should have known better. As a consequence of their ignorance, their lack of sensitivity and their unscientific behavior, a whole nation was stigmatized. And still remains maligned, as proven by Donald Trump's alleged accusation.
Sida, mwen pap pran, mwen pap bay campaign
The occasion of the 1st of December was considered a day for hope, commonality and commitment between all Haitians in the fight against HIV and AIDS. This was the sentiment of the First Lady, Sophia Martelly as she addressed the crowd of supporters gathered at the World AIDS Day celebration in ST. Therese Park, Pétion-Ville.
With the theme 'Sida, mwen pap pran, mwen pap bay', the celebration welcomed the presence of Mrs. Martelly, along with other notables such as representatives from various multilateral organizations, U.S. Ambassador in Haiti, Pamela White, Minister of Public Health and Population, Dr. Florence D. Guillaume, and the Minister of Youth, Sports and Civic Action, Magalie Racine.
Haiti Winning the Fight against HIV/ AIDS
The Haitian Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP) is pleased to announce HIV positive test results among Haitians have fallen significantly, from almost 10% in 2004 to 3.67%, in a recently released report. During the same period, HIV/AIDS tests taken by the population have increased more than ten-fold, from 58,500 to 839,000. Pregnant women getting HIV tested have also increased nearly ten-fold, from 221,220 to 235,000.
Treatment numbers for HIV/ AIDS have also risen dramatically within the past year, with an unprecedented 44% increase in 2013. The treatment rate for the past decade has shown, on average, 20% increase annually, the exception 2010, when the earthquake jolted the island.
Fatal Assistance - Assistance Mortelle by Hatian filmmaker Raoul Peck
Here is the documentary that you have heard so much about. Assistance Mortelle or Fatal Assistance in English was realized by Hatian filmmaker Raoul Peck. It is an exposé that provides a look at the response of the international community following the January 12, 2010 earthquake in Haiti. This film that made its World Premiere at the Berlin International Film Festival in February, has a duration of 1:45 minutes.
Se dokimantè ou te tande anpil pale sou li. "Asistans Mortelle" te reyalize pa Hatian sineast Raoul Peck. Se yon ekspoze ki bay yon gade sou tranbleman tè 12 janvye 2010 an Ayiti.
Health, Medical, and Environmental Risk Factors of Cholera
Cholera, a severe bacterial infection, affects the intestines, causing bouts of watery diarrhea, heaving, circulatory distress, and shock. Anyone can contract cholera, the exception being nursing infants. But there are particular contributors that can predispose people to the illness:
Malnutrition. People who are starving have a propensity to catching cholera. The illness takes hold in places where survivors of war or natural disasters live. Or in communities that suffer famine.
Low levels of stomach acid. Inadequate levels of stomach acid create an environment for cholera bacteria to flourish in. Age groups that have low-acidity markers are children and aged people. Gastric surgery survivors and antacid takers, suffering from ulcers, are also prone to getting cholera.
DJ Suspended for comments linking HIV Aids to Haitian women
The Haitian Joudalist just learned that the DJ in New York who made the comment on the air linking HIV Aids to Haitian women has been suspended indefinitely. This is directly from CNN
This is a sign when we unite, great things can happen. The Haitian community in New York has been outraged and protesting since a DJ from HOT 97 radio made a comment which said: "The reason I am HIV Negative is because I don't mess with Haitian Women".
According to HOT 97 Management: "The Haitian community is an important part of our listenership whom we respect and value. The suspension is an indication of the importance we place on delivering a product that respects our Haitian audience. It's a very regrettable and unfortunate circumstance for all involved and particularly because we know this is not the nature of this young man who has been an advocate of the Haitian community and a big part of our fund-raising efforts for Haiti."
A radio Host said: "I am HIV Negative because I don't mess with Haitian Women"
This is the latest insult on the Haitian community. A Radio host in New York city said on the air that: "The reason I am HIV Negative is because I don't mess with Haitian Women". The DJ who made the joke is Luis Diaz, a controversial radio host at radio station HOT 97 in Manhattan.
Many leaders in the Haitian community gathered outside of the studio of radio station HOT 97 to protest the comment made by Radio host Luis Diaz, with his personality name: DJ Cipha.
Later, the DJ apologized for his comments; however the leaders of the Haitian community in New York refused to accept his apology and demanded that he be removed from the radio station, according to
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