The Directorate General of Taxation (DGI) Vs André Apaid

Commissioner Joseph Montinor of the Directorate General of Taxes (DGI) has some explaining to do as to why his office seized industrialist Michel Apaid's passport at the Toussaint Louverture Airport before he boarded a flight for travel abroad. The reason given was Apaid had not paid taxes on his privately-held company after his deductible period expired in 2005.


Apaid's attorney has come to his defense to clear his name in the public domain. Gervais Charles points out Apaid's franchise was extended another ten years, and he never owed taxes to the state as ex-Senator Joseph Lambert had claimed Apaid did.

It has been a public embarrassment for Apaid, who pays his regular income taxes. The DGI caught up with him at the airport because his name had been published on a list of delinquent taxpayers that forbids them to travel.

Commissioner Montinor had to back down when Apaid's company records showed the deductible had been renewed an additional ten years. But Montinor insisted Apaid ignored the overdue payment slips, and it was his responsibility to offer proof of the franchise extension.

Charles will not let the matter rest and is filing an action against DGI upon the advice of a tax expert. It was administrative negligence that led to the blunder and in Apaid's words "political persecution" of his person. He blames President Martelly, who he believes saw his name on the list. They have had "words" with each other at state meetings.

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Read more: Tax, André Apaid, Gervais Charles, Business & Finance


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