Attack - Haiti Observer Blog
Attack, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Attack
Guy Philippe rejects his involvement, stating Remy Teleus was coerced
This morning (Tuesday May 17, 2016) Guy Philippe denied any accusation that he was involved in the assault on the Commissariat in Cayes. On the airwaves of Radio Metropole, Guy Philippe denounced the accusations against him. He stated in the video currently circulating, Remy Teleus never mentioned his name. It was not until one of the reporters repeated his name to Remy Teleus that he confirmed that Guy Philippe sent him.
Since yesterday, following he attack on the Police station in Cayes, the attention has been focused on Guy Philippe. According to one of the bandits captured, Remy Teleus, Guy Philippe was the one who orchestrated this attack.
British Red Cross worker and his Haitian Gay partner attacked during engagement ceremony in Haiti
Chaos emerged last Saturday at Port-au-Prince where two male partners were holding a private engagement ceremony. The British national and his male partner were attacked with rocks and molotov cocktail by angry locals.
In an attempt to prevent loss of human life, Haitian Police arrived just in time. According to rights advocates the act was not justified. One of the homosexual's rights defenders condemned the action saying that it was homophobic act.
The homosexual community followers are now pushing for justice to be done. They believe that the perpetrators are guilt of crime.
Jean Dominique and the Aristide Era
Jean Dominique spent his early career first educating farmers on how to be self-sufficient under the thumb of wealthy land-owners. He then went on to making two notable firsts in the broadcasting world, opening the first film club in Haiti as well as Radio Haiti, the first station to broadcast in Creole. He went on to have multiple run-ins with the Duvalier regiments and was exiled in New York until his return in the mid 80's when he became a member of the Lavalas party which won the 1990 election.
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