Behavior - Haiti Observer Blog
Behavior, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Behavior
Haitian Father can no longer come home for beating problem son
A Haitian pastor in Port Chester though that he was doing what he needed to do to prevent his son from becoming a delinquent and likely a criminal or a problem to society found himself in jail for just that. Pastor Precie Guerrier was in court on December 18, 2013, facing charges for beating his 12 year old son because the son was behaving badly in school.
Mezanmi koze pa pou ou. Eske nou tande problem? Yon pastè Aysyen ki touve li ape reponn kestion lajistis paske li ape eseye korije yon ti moun li ki ape bay problem lekol. Eske li tap pi bon si ke paran ti gacon sa te kite li ak komporman sa olye ke li eseye fosse li change li? Eske se pa minm problem sa yo ke anpil paran ayisyen trouve yo lè ke ti moun yo decide pou yo bay problem?
The Pathology of Antisocial Behavior
People who engage in acting-out behaviors such as hostility, physical attacks, harassment, torture of people or animals, chronic lying, destruction of property, and theft are suffering from a conduct disorder.
According to researchers, such persons are immune to pain or physical threats and the restraints of a lawful society. Because of their immunity to threats, physical pain, and the consequences of their actions, they feel free to inflict mental, emotional, and physical injuries on others.
If these antisocial behaviors continue into adulthood, the odds are an antisocial personality disorder (APD) has formed. APD bears resemblance to another type of destructive behavior disorder, sociopathic or psychopathic personality disorder. Research surveys indicate 1% of females and 3% of males suffer from a version of APD.
Anti-Social Personality Disorder Signs
If parents, teachers, and the community recognize the signs of an anti-social personality disorder appearing in a youth, they can take steps to get help for the individual. Here are twelve common signs to watch out for.
1. They exhibit cruel treatment towards people and pets. Repeatedly harm, threaten, and physically abuse them.
2. They frequently provoke physical altercations.
3. They use harmful or deadly weapons, for example, a baseball bat, rock, razor, knife or firearm.
4. They steal from people directly, for example, pick pocketing, cell phone theft, hold-ups for cash or credit cards.
How to Deal with Toxic Relatives
In another way, how to avoid fighting with some family members you know will get you upset
The holidays are nearly here, and that means get-togethers with family and friends. These can be joyous occasions or oppressive ones. It all depends on how you handle the difficult personalities of immediate or extended family members. They are the ones most likely to affect your mood negatively.
It's important to understand how others' moods can affect us, especially our relatives. The principle to keep in mind when dealing with difficult personalities is you don't need to tolerate their bad behavior. By allowing their negativity to affect your mood, you subject yourself to psychological abuse and physical harm to your health. To protect and take care of yourself, be honest but don't judge them.
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