Bernard Gousse - Haiti Observer Blog

Bernard Gousse, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Bernard Gousse


Haitian Senate rejected Bernard Gousse for Prime Minister in final Votes

Once again, another round of selecting a new Prime Minister Designee and going through ratification process as Haitian lawmakers rejected President Michel Martelly's second choice for Haiti's Prime Minister. The "Haitian Joudalist" has learned that the vote results were as expected, with the 16 Senators who have been outspoken against the nomination of Bernard Gousse for Prime Minister, voting "No" and 14 Senators voting for the ratification.

This is a case of "Deja Vue".

Anmwey! Gran Neg ap Fe Politik, Malere Ap mouri Ak Grangou"

This is the second time that Haitian lawmakers rejected the choice of president Michel Martelly for prime Minister.

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Jean Pierre Batiste AKA Jean Tatoune announced manifestation

With the nomination of Bernard Gousse hanging in the air, some popular names have surfaced. According to Jean Pierre Batiste, better known as Jean Tatoune is threatening manifestation in the streets of Haiti if the Senate does not ratify Bernard Gousse as Prime Minister. The site further reported that Jean Tatoune said that he wants the senators to hear him clearly because as he stated: " I will not tell the Senators twice".

Doesn't this sound like an order to you?

Mr. Jean Pierre Batiste AKA Jean Tatoune thinks that the country has gone for too long without a Prime Minister and feels that it comes to a point where he must use his power to get things done.

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Is Michel Martelly planning on the dissolution of Parliament?

As several members of Haiti Senate went public in their opposition to the choice of Bernard Gousse as Prime Minister, President Michel Martelly went on attack against them. There is a rumor that the president might attempt the dissolution of the Haitian Parliament if his Prime Minister nominee is not approved.

Senator Edwin Zenny who was traveling with Michel Martelly accused the other Senator of attempting to negotiate the ratification of the new Prime Minister based on personal interest. The president also wants the Senators to remember that he sign their paychecks.

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What's wrong with that picture. 16 Senators are against Bernard Gousse and 18, for

Upon his return from a three days visit in Spain, President Michel Martelly stated that he has nearly 18 Senators who are prepared to ratify Mr. Bernard Gousse as Prime Minister.

However, based on a resolution signed by 16 Haitian Senators last week, all sixteen of them rejected the designation of Mr. Bernard Gousse as Prime Minister and wanted to make it public that they intend to vote against his nomination

What's wrong with that picture?

Keep in mind that there are only a total of thirty (30) seats in the Haitian Senate. I may not be very good in math, but I can see that if 18 Senators are going to vote for Bernard Gousse, he will clearly have the majority and will consequently be nominated. On the other hand, sixteen Senators already signed a resolution against Bernard Gousse.
One of these two groups is bluffing

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The president is likely to select Bernard H. Gousse as the Prime Minister designee

The "Haitian Joudalist" was informed that the Haitian president Michel Martelly is getting very close to make his final selection for the Prime Minister of Haiti. An article that just appeared on stated that Michel Martelly has selected Bernard H. Gousse as his next prime minister.

We do not know for certain if this is accurate. The "Haitian Jourdalist will verify this information and will let you know as soon as we have additional information

When will the selection be made official?

According to the reactions of some Haitian Senators and Deputies before the final selection was made, if in fact the president has selected Bernard H. Gousse to become the next Prime Minister, the confirmation process will be as challenging for the president as it was the case with his former Prime Minister nominee, Gerard Daniel Rouzier.

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Haiti Next Prime Minister - Bernard Gousse, Jean Henry Ceant or Jean Max Bellerive

As the Haitian president Michel Martelly is in the process of selecting a new Prime Minister for Haiti after the defeat of his previous candidate Daniel Rouzier, three names have made the final. According to some reliable sources for the "Haitian Joudalist", the three candidates for the post are Bernard Gousse, Jean Henry Céant and Jean Max Bellerive.

You can definitely bet your bottom dollar that one of these three will be proposed for the post of Prime Minister. The executive branch is currently in negotiation with both houses (Upper and Lower house) so that a final candidate can be selected between Bernard Gousse, Jean Henry Céant and Jean Max Bellerive.

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