Clinton Bush Haiti Fund - Haiti Observer Blog
Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Clinton Bush Haiti Fund
Hillary Clinton's Brother & Rare Gold Mining Permit
Tony Rodham is the youngest brother of Hillary Rodham Clinton. He is a former repo man, prison guard and private detective who used to work to secure foreign financing for a company. In October 2013, Tony Rodham joined the advisory board of VCS Mining, a Delaware-based company that was planning a gold mine in the Cap-Haïtien and was awarded the contract for carrying mining activities. It was a both lucrative and controversial deal, because Haiti has an estimated gold reserve of about $20 billion and the permit for mining was not issued to anyone in the last 50 years.
Did Hillary Clinton Help In Maintaining Slave Wages In Haiti?
In 2009, when Hillary Clinton was at the State Department working with U.S. corporations, she pressured Haiti so that its Parliament does not raise the minimum wage rate to 61 cents an hour from 24 cents. Some memos found from the Wikileaks strongly suggest that the U.S State Department aggressively blocked the proposed minimum wage increase. The U.S Embassy officials in Haiti clearly opposed such wage hike and met several times with the factory owners and in turn, the factory owners directly lobbied against the raise to the Haitian president. The motive behind this move to fix a slave wage rate (less than $5.00 per day) for Haitian workers was perhaps to benefit the big U.S clothing manufacturers like, Levi's, Hanes and Polo.
Hillary Clinton held responsible for Haiti recovery setback
Even six years after the massive earthquake, many people in Haiti continue to hold that Hillary Clinton's State Department and the Clinton Foundation are responsible for a recovery effort that cost billions, but yielded a very little return. The Haitians often claim that earthquake aid money was mismanaged and lucrative deals went to Clinton cronies. To make room for Caracol Industrial Park, a Clintons' signature project in Haiti valuing $224 million, 366 farmers were evicted, valuable agricultural lands were acquired and as per late 2015, it created only 5,000 jobs instead of 60,000 promised jobs.
Clinton Bush Haiti Donation Fund invested in five star hotel
Clinton Bush Haiti Donation Fund invested in five star hotel
On one hand when over 500,000 Haitians are living in IDP camps in the capital city of the nation and its surroundings, 5 Star hotels are popping up and the latest being the Royal Oasis Hotel in the metropolitan area that is plagued by poverty. $2 million from Clinton Bush Haiti Donation Fund has been invested in erecting the luxury hotel, which was actually
This investment in building a luxury hotel comes with a hope that it will attract foreign investors who will invest in new factories in Haiti, paving the path for new jobs. The hotel is also built to attract humanitarian workers and wealthy tourists who have help the nation to revive from the ruins of the 2010 earthquake. There is however, a dilemma about this overall concept as experts refer to the Hotel Boom of Haiti as deep skepticism and cautious optimism.
Loan to upgrade Cap Lamandou Waterview Hotel in Jacmel
The Cap Lamandou Waterview Hotel is in need of upgrading. The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund is a nonprofit making organization that was formed after the 2010 earthquake. It was at a time when President Obama requested former presidents Clinton and Bush to organize fundraising for Haiti. It was formed to collect money from well wishers, and the money collected was to be used to reconstruct Haiti by increasing job opportunities and causing economic improvement. With these two opportunities being created Haiti is believed to improve gradually.
Clinton Bush Haiti fund is meeting its role by giving $2.59 million loans to improve four businesses and workforce development programs. The four businesses were Regis College, Cap Lamandou Waterview Hotel, CLYF Quincallerie and SOFIHDES. These will ensure that Haiti will gain stability in its economy.
Loan to upgrade Cap Lamandou Waterview Hotel in Jacmel
Clinton Bush Haiti Fund is a nonprofit making organization that was formed after the 2010 earthquake. It was at a time when President Obama requested former presidents Clinton and Bush to organize fundraising for Haiti. It was formed to collect money from well wishers, and the money collected was to be used to reconstruct Haiti by increasing job opportunities and causing economic improvement. With these two opportunities being created Haiti is believed to improve gradually.
Clinton Bush Haiti fund is meeting its role by giving $2.59 million loans to improve four businesses and workforce development programs. The four businesses were Regis College, Cap Lamandou Waterview Hotel, CLYF Quincallerie and SOFIHDES. These will ensure that Haiti will gain stability in its economy.
Clinton Bush Haiti Fund in Support of Bernard Mevs Hospital
Bernard Mevs Hospital is underway to receive a total of $442,100 dollars benefit, courtesy of Clinton Bush Haiti Fund Grant. This funding is aimed at facilitating educational training seminars for medical professionals and practitioners in Haiti. This announcement comes after the Bernard Mevs Hospital received the state-of-art Medical equipment which has eventually transformed it into the sole well equipped medical facility to handle major surgeries and critical trauma victims.
During a visit to the hospital, Bill Frist, a renowned US surgeon and senator, said that there was great need in holding educational seminars which will enable Haitian medical professionals to handle the new equipment with competence. With the State-of-art equipment acting as the center of attraction, there will be an increased number of competent medical professionals from Bernard Mevs Hospitals as well as other high profile hospitals in Haiti.
Clinton Bush Haiti Fund to provide grant to support Hospital Bernard Mevs
Haiti's health care has been in a poor state for the past decades, with only a limited reach on the county's rural and poverty-stricken areas, as well as the lack of equipment, hospitals and centers, and trained medical personnel. But with the campaign of several concerned Haitians NGOs and foreign efforts, Haitians have gradually been able to receive proper health care and services.
Former United States President Bill Clinton announced that a new grant has been made under the Clinton Bush Haiti fund in order to support the Bernard Mevs Hospital in the country. This was done after Clinton and former U.S. Senator Bill Frist, who happens to be a surgeon, visited Haiti to evaluate on the hospital's program.
Clinton Bush Haiti Fund calls on Patrick Gaston of Verizon
The president of Verizon Foundation, Patrick Gaston, will be the latest member of the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund team. He is expected to join the team on January 17, 2011 as the Senior Advisor in charge of building a network of relationships for the development of Haiti.
The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund was founded following the January 12 Haiti earthquake. President Barack Obama requested the support of both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush to lead a fund raising endeavor in order to help the people of Haiti.
Patrick Gaston is also expected to reach out to the Haitian Diaspora currently living in several countries. He will encourage them to participate in the reconstruction of Haiti through investment and direct participation
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