ctcep - Haiti Observer Blog
CTCEP, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about CTCEP
Mandate of CEP extended to organize elections for Senate
President Jocelerme Privert has decided to extend the mandate of the Provisional Electoral Council, the CEP. The CEP is now responsible to organize elections for the renewal of one third of the Senate that will have its term ended in January, 20167. In addition, the CEP is now authorized to organize elections for all other vacancies until a Permanent Electoral Council is established
What do you think?
BCEN under investigation for corruption by Me Ocname Dameus
In regard to the allegation of corruption at the CEP and the BCEN, things are getting more serious as a formal investigation is under way by the Chief Public Prosecutor of Port-au-Prince. Me Ocname Dameus confirmed receipt of the letter issued by the National Human Rights Defense Network (RNDDH) denouncing the CEP and BCEN. He also announced that the denunciation analysis have already been launched.
What do you think?
Do you think the Chief Public Prosecutor of Port-au-Prince is capable of bringing criminal charges against members of the electoral body if evidence of corruption is found?
BCEN authorized verification at the Tabulation Center Vote
The BCEN has authorized verification at the Tabulation Center Vote by Maryse Narcisse and Vilaire Cluny Duroseau. Both of them were told to come on Thursday to conduct their verification. While Candidate Cluny took the BCEN on his words and went to do the verification as requested, candidate Maryse Narcisse told BCEN to hold his horse. She want to have enough time to build a competent team to do that and scheduled her verification for Saturday, November 21. According to Moise Jean Charle, he was also invited by the BCEN to verify the minutes at the tabulation center, declined the invitation. Jude Célestin on the other hand said that he was not contacted.
Nine members of the electoral council to be installed within the next 24 hours
The 9 members of the electoral council, which will be responsible to organize the next Haiti election is expected to be installed soon, likely today. Unlike previously, this time the members have been proposed by different sectors of the Haitian society, including the Catholic Episcopal Conference, women's organizations, the Protestant, the business sector, human rights organizations, workers' unions, the Media, University and the Voodoo sectors.
Here is the list of the 9 members of the electoral council who will be installed soon:
Yolette Mengual,
Vijonet Demero,
Ricardo Augustin,
Pierre Louis Opont,
Jaccéus Joseph,
Lourdes Edith Joseph,
Pierre Manigat Jr.,
Néhémy Joseph,
Lucie Marie Carmel Paul-Austin
What do you think?
Seven CEP Members swear to implement provisions of electoral law
Last Friday at a ceremony at the Court of Cassation in Frères, 7 of 9 CEP representatives were sworn. Two of the members were not present for the ceremony: Me. Néhémy Joseph and Léopold Berlanger.
Me. Néhémy Joseph is still waiting for response to a correspondence sent to the President of the Senate, Dieuseul Simon Desras. As to Léopold Berlanger, he explained in a letter addressed to the President of the Court of Cassation is reasons for his absence.
Senate representative was absent, still without response to the correspondence sent to the President of the Senate, Dieuseul Simon Desras, which must confirm him his position
Fritzto Canton, Jean-Claude Duvalier' lawyer, head of CEP
The short passage of Emmanuel Menard as head of the CEP will be marked by the person selected to replace him. Attorney Fritzto Canton, lawyer of former Dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier has the honor to assume this position. He was appointed by President Michel Martelly this week.
So what is going on?
Since the nomination of Attorney Fritzto Canton, the critic has not stopped. In fact, if you listen to some comments you would think we are already back into a Dictatorship in Haiti. Some had signaled that this change has strengthen the grip of the neo-Duvalier regime on the electoral machine.
Abel Descollines ready for Dechoukage if no election in 2014
Deputy Abel Descollines will be in opposition with the government of Michel Martelly if there is no election in 2014. The Deputy of Mirebalais-Boucan Carré gave an ultimatum to the government saying that if he does not hold election in 2014, the government will be forced to resign.
Deputy Abel Descollines however, does not agree with the position of some politicians who believe that the transitional College of the Permanent Electoral Council (CTCEP) should leave before the next election.
Eske sa vle di ke Depite Abel Descollines ape vini jwen Moise jean Charles si pa gin eleksyon ane sa?
Mexican Federal Electoral Institute (IFE) and CTCEP signed MOU
The Mexican Federal Electoral Institute (MFEI) held a global workshop July 1-4, 2013. Among delegations present during the four-day event, Haiti signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Mexico to make official a program exchange between the two countries to improve electoral operations.
In the MOU, among other things, training seminars will give instruction on electoral administration, mentorship support, and a manual of standard operating procedures to be used to guide the implementation of electoral responsibilities.
Transient College Permanent Electoral Council (TCPEC) President Emmanuel Ménard signed the MOU, along with signatories Leonardo Valdes Zuita, General Council President, and Edmundo Jacobo Molina, MFEI Executive Secretary.
Emmanuel Menard, President of CTCEP, prioritizes develop of electoral law
No elections in 2013? According to Emmanuel Ménard, that might be this year's reality, and the culprit is the cost. The CTCEP (College Transitional of Permanent Electoral Council) president, elected in mid April, made the struggles to fund the perhaps coming elections known in early May, citing that a past election has run up to nearly $30 million.
Currently they are preparing the budget for the elections, but cannot shed further light on the estimated cost. Emmanuel Menard stressed, however, that international help and funds from the government could be relied upon. Due to the money woes, he declined to give a guarantee on the elections for this year, though he recognized the deadlines demanded by the constitution.
From Josue Pierre-Louis to Emmanuel Menard - Gouvenman An kenbe kontwol CTCEP
Another representative of the Executive government has taken control. The 9 members of the College Transitional of Permanent Electoral Council (CTCEP), have elected the various members to fulfill the various positions. Emmanuel Ménard, the representative of the Executive branch of government was elected president.
Here is the actual structure with their new positions:
Composition of the Bureau of CTCEP :
Emmanuel Ménard, Chair (Executive Branch)
Mary Clunie Dumay Miracles, Vice - President (Legislative Power)
Marie Carole Duclervil Floréal, General Secretary (Judicial Power)
Pierre Simon Georges, Treasurer (Legislative Power)
Applyx Felix, Advisor (Judicial Power)
Chantal Raymond, Advisor (Executive Power)
Léopold Berlanger, Advisor (Judicial Power)
Margareth Giraud St-Louis, Advisor (Executive Power)
Joseph Néhémy, Advisor (Legislative Power)
I have a Panic attack.
I don't know about you but I feel that the Government is either lucky, influencial or is working to get control of the CTCEP at any cost.
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