Dominicans are not Racists, they just don't like Black Haitians
Where do you think this statement came from. You wouldn't believe it but this is a true statement coming out of the mouth of a Dominican in Miami.
This is how we set this: A good friend of mine who is white asked the other day to a Dominican Immigrant why is it that Dominicans and Haitians are often in conflict? To his surprise, his Dominican friend came with the above answer.
My white friend is not an innocent and does believe that "Racism" and "Prejudice" exist. He knows that in America, Canada, France and many other countries there are often conflicts between various races. Black, White, Asian, Puerto Rican, Native American and so on. However this particular answer was most troubling to him.
Would anyone guess the reason?
The Dominican native who said that "We just don't like Black Haitians" is as Black as they come.
Read more: Dominican Republic, Haiti Occupation of Dominican Republic, Racism, Antihaitianismo, Parsley Massacre, Newsletter Articles, International
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All Comments (6)
The conflict between Haitians and Dominicans is not regarding race. It's regarding their 22 year invasion of the Dominican Republic, where they took over land, tried to strip people of their language and attacked the Catholic Church.
Learn the history before you pass
i have met a lot of dominicans they are blacks as blacks can be. they identified themselves as hispanics or latino.
they absoutly hate to be called
OMGosh, I can't believe someone will speak such nasty words.
So that person means a white haitian then, their many black dominicans, very black.
Wow I'm gonna stop now. Pray for the hearts of
I have a better one for you. I was arguing with one of my pretending Dominican friend in Texas about race. I asked him what exactly he think his race is?
He reply with great pride that is not black, he is a Dominican which I reply- Dominican is not a race. That where you come from but he was so sure of what he think he is that I had to let it
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