The Battle Of Vertieres
Napoleon was confident that slavery would be reestablished in Saint-Domingue. General Rochambeau, who succeeded Leclerc as commander of the French army in Saint-Domingue, started implementing a series of atrocities including mass hangings and drowning of slaves suspected to be involved in insurrections.
Dessalines relentlessly attacks one town after another. He started in the South of the Country with Cayes, then Jacmel, Léogane, Jérémie, Saint Marc and Port-au-Prince. These actually set the stage for the assault on le Cap Français in the last great battle of independence in Vertieres.
Cap-Francais, now Cap-Haitian was considered a jewelry for France. It was the principal French naval base in the Caribbean. Rochambeau personally took charge of the defense of the city of Cap-Francais, with about 5000 troops under his command. Forts were built at strategic points around the city to protect it, including Vertières, Bréda, Champain and Pierre-Michel.
Important Links for the Battle Of Vertiere:
[*] Vertieres, Near Cap-Haitian, Site Of Last Battle Before Haiti Independence
[*] General Francois Capois, Capoix-la-Mort, And The Battle Of Vertieres
[*] The Famous "Grenadiers A L'assaut" Statement
Read more: Cap-Haitian, Dessalines, First Independent Nation, Vertieres, Battle of Vertieres, History, Independence, Slave, Saint-Domingue, History
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