Olympian Edrick Floreal Continues to Strive for Excellence
As a track and field athlete, he competed at two successive Summer Olympics, representing Canada. At the 1988 Summer Olympics, he competed in the Triple Jump qualifying round, finishing in 18th place; and in the 1992 Summer Olympics, he placed 28th in the qualifying round for the Long Jump.
Edrick Floreal greatest success as a track star occurred, when he competed for the NCAA Track and Field Championships, while at the University of Arkansas, a school known for excellence in jumping. He won, both in the Indoor and Outdoor Triple Jump, winning Indoor Championships in 1989 and 1990, and Outdoor Championships in 1988, 1989, and 1990.
Floreal now directs the Track and Field Program at Stanford University, and is wed to another track star, LaVonna Martin-Floreal, who earned an Olympic Silver Medal in the 100-meter Hurdles event, in 1992. Floreal's most recent honor was being named the "2010 Indoor West Regional Coach of the Year", a recognition bestowed upon him by the United States Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association.
A run-down of his triple and long jump achievements spans 1998-1994, in which Edrick Floreal competed twice in the Summer Olympics (1988 and 1992); twice in the World Championships (1991 and 1993); twice in the Jeux de la Francophonie (1989 and 1994), placing first both times; and once in the Commonwealth Games (1990), placing third
Read more: Olympic, Gonaives, Sport, Haitian-Canadian, Edrick Floreal, long jumper, Sport
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