Chamber of Deputies concerned about Privert's intention, will not recess on May 9
The Parliament denounced the attempt by President Jocelerme Privert to make the Parliament dysfunctional. To counter any possible trick from the President, and to remain relevant, the Deputies are now working on a resolution declaring a state of permanence until the resolution of the crisis or they decide on the fate of the executive by May 14
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Read more: Jocelerme Privert, Chamber of Deputies, Deputy, Newsletter Articles, Government
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All Comments (3)
Privert ap fout bay echappe presidentielle LA....bay yon president ki elu democratikman en fevrier 2017....grenadiers a l
Nèg mal elue yo kap voye pyé konsa yap avili tèt yo .sa yo pat kafè nan 5 ans yo vlel fèt nan 3 mois ala yo
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