President Michel Martelly has American and Italian Citizenship, So What!
Senator Joseph Lambert confirmed yesterday that two members of the Government cabinet so far have been found to be of foreign nationality. The Commission responsible to investigate the matter plans to travel outside of the country to Washington DC as well as to many other countries to verify the nationality of President Michel Martelly.
President: "The truth should set you free"
The Commission can find the truth about President Michel Martelly and lay to rest the doubt about his citizenship
I have some questions however that I have not been able to find an answer for:
Why does the commission need need to go all the way to Washington DC to find information about the citizenship of President Michel Martelly? The US Ambassy is right here in Port-au-Prince and has all the information. Do you think the US government will really cooperate and put light on the issue or will instead attempt to manage the potential crisis?
Can't the president just show his passport or previous expired passports showing his travel history? Do we really have to spend money to send people all around the world in search of the truth about the citizenship about President Michel Martelly? Are those passports lost?
Senator Moise Jean Charles has been the principal actor in these allegations. Why does Senator Jean Charles decide to go after this government and not after previous governments since there were similar accusations in the past? Is the Senator is acting by himself or is he part of a bigger movement to remove president Martelly from office? Who else might be involved secretly?
If President Michel Martelly is found to holding citizenships of other countries, should we say so what? after all, whether he is Haitian, American of Italian, the Haitian population voted for him.
Read more: michel martelly, Moise Jean Charles, Moise Jean-Charles, Citizenship, Italian, Joseph Lambert, immigration
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All Comments (7)
Jackenson this guy has nothing in his mind to the haitian people.Coul you tell me in 8 months what Tet kale president done, I bid you $1 if you mention half thing Martely has done. I remember he said, if president Preval give him lands he gonna built 2 thoursands houses to take out of the street the victims of aerthquake of 2010, where those houses.
Gen le ou pa we nan je-ou sa kap pase nan gouvrnman gaspiyaj, vol,achte gwo prado pou ti zanmi.
Madan martely ka vann pos nan tout biwo leta yo, ak bope martely kap piye tout kess leta pou lal sere nan peyi etranje.
One thing i know my friend is that you can fool some people some times but you can not fool all the people all the times.
There is a Haitian proverb that says that "Ou Rekoplte Sa ou Seme".
It means that when the other group was in power, there was no discussion about giving the country a chance.
I remember President Aristide did everything in his power to bring the opposition into the table to find point of agreement.
Mr Simon pierre, don't forget that President"Tet kale-a"has been participed in most of coup D'etet in haiti.
In 1991 he was hierd by Raoul cedras as Ninja to killed Haitian people.
In 2004 He provided money to Guy Phillipe In Dominican Republic to make kidnapping against President Aristide.
Now He was elected democraticly even thaugh only 700 thoursands people in 4 millions 5 hundreds people who supposed to be participed in that mascarade of december 28th 2010. No compromise or compromission if he got another nationality.
Do you know what PRINCIPLE means?
If we no longer have any value any more, why should we continue to exist as a nation?
If it is no longer required for a president of Haitib to be a citizen of Haiti in order to bdefend Haiti, ask yourself this question, is that a
fighting about citizenship of the Presisent Martelly is not going to make any change in the situation of the haitian people, if he would have other citizenship, why would not the CEP stop him from running for President.
I think that it is best to think about those peoples which are in serious conditions of living.Take the President away of the office and subtitute by someone else is not going to make any change in our terrible situations.
Please, Haitian Parlementarian, just give him a change to do what he has in mind for this country.
What I would like some of us to do, is to take a look at this so call "U.S passport" of the president, in which he is portrayed with a full head of hair. Can anyone tell me the last time they've seen this man harboring any hair?
Suffice to say that for a passport issued in 2007, the majority of us should definitely remember if this man had any hair or not around time.
If there is some hidden agenda at play inside the Senate, they should find a better way to do this because as of now, this one has already
We are looking at a Modern Coup D'etat in HAITI.
In the old time it use to be by military coup. No longer.
Like everything else in Haiti, coup d'etat has evolved to more sofisticated methods such as kidnapping, finding dirth on the group in power and make it impossible to accomplishanything.
The objective is that if you do not deliver, with their support they will help the population to turn against you.
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