Pierre Louis Opont - Haiti Observer Blog
Pierre Louis Opont, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Pierre Louis Opont
FLASH - Travel ban issued to all 9 members of Pierre-Louis Opont CEP and Mosler Georges
Just as Mr. Francois Benoit was delivering the report of the Commission of Verification to the government, the current CEP and the public, Government Commissioner Jean Danton Leger was also buzy issuing travel bans. Last night, Mr. Leger issued travel ban to all 9 members of the former CEP of Pierre-Louis Opont CEP and Mosler Georges
The reason is for failure in their mission of verification of the conformity of the process. The infractions included in his travel ban include: fraud and fraud in public writing causing grave prejudices to some of the candidates
Jovenel Moise in fifth place, not qualified for run off election
Jovenel Moise and the political party PHTK have not been feeling well since February 19, 2016. That was the time when Jovenel Moise and representatives of PHTK met provisional president Jocelerme Privert and learned the bad news. According to Jovenel Moise who was recently on Scoop FM, PHTK was informed at that time by Privert that he was not aware that Jovenel Moise was qualified for the run-off presidential election. Instead, based on the information in possession of the Haitian president, Jovenel Moise came in fifth place in that election and not first as the CEP of Pierre Louis Opont would have suggested.
Economic Forum of the private sector wants Pierre-Louis Opont out of the CEP
It appears that not only some of the members of the CEP are on shaky ground but also its president as well. The Economic Forum of the private sector made it public that it wants to see Mr. Pierre Louis Opont out of the CEP. According to the coordinator of the Economic Forum, Gregory Brandt, the Forum took notes that the CEP was unable to accomplish its task which is to conduct the election process in order to have a new president in the country on February 7th, and requests that Mr. Pierre-Louis Opont be relieved of his duties to allow the country to find a solution to the current crisis
No Election on January 24, announced the CEP
The CEP just announced that the election originally scheduled for this Sunday, January 24, has been postponed. The announcement was made during a press conference this afternoon. The President of the CEP, Pierre Louis Opont declared that as a result of the ongoing violence by various groups, the holding to the election this Sunday becomes impossible.
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Haitian Kreyol:
CEP anonse Pap gen Eleksyon 24 Janvye
CEP jis anonse ke eleksyon an ti te orijinalman pwograme pou Dimanch, 24 Janvye, ranvwaye. Anons sa a te fèt pandan yon konferans pou laprès apremidi a. Pwezidan KEP an, Pierre Louis Opont, te deklare paske anpil vyolans kontinyèl ape fet, kenbe eleksyon an jou Dimanch sa a vin enposib.
Pierre Louis Opont, Gen yon Proveb ki di "Chen ki jape pa mode"
Pandan plizyè jou, Prezidan CEP an te di pap gen okenn komisyon ankèt, pandan ke li di tet dwat pou eleksyon pwograme pou 27 Desanm. Nan Lendi, Pierre Louis Opont yon fwa ankò, deklare ke pa gen kesyon Komisyon endepandan pou ankète eleksyon. Li di ke CEP an pa gen okenn dispozisyon legal Dekrè Elektoral an etabli pou sa. Dapre Opont ki te al lwen nan kritik l 'yo, klasifye manm nan G8 la tankou move pèdan. Pou manifestasyon ki nan lari san rete yo, li wè yo tankou taktik politik pou sèvi divès kalite enterè politik. Proveb la di: "Chen ki jape pa mode".
Pierre Louis Opont and the CEP taking position
On Monday, November 30th, Pierre Louis Opont, the President of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) during a press conference has discarded the demand of G8 members to form an independent inquiry commission to investigate the alleged frauds concerning the Minutes and the preliminary presidential election results.
As per his statement, the CEP is not empowered to form such a commission. Furthermore, election procedure has been completed after the verification and approval of the most competent authorities like Tabulation Center Votes (CTV) and the Office of the National Litigation (BCEN).
Pierre-Louis Opont Guilty of Election Fraud in Court of Public Opinion
President Pierre Louis Opont of the Provisional Electoral Council, it is newly learned, manipulated the results of 2010's elections, subverting the will of Haitian voters. He openly admits to committing fraud at the ballot box when he held the position of Director General of The Electoral Council. His excuse for withholding the truth was to prevent the island from exploding into violence. Another reason for the non-disclosure of the actual election results was they were modified by international observers, i.e., former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her colleague, Cheryl Mills.
Although ex-First Lady Mirlande Manigat has called for Opont's resignation, candidates say they are reaping the rewards of Opont's exclusionary policy. His vague, hazy policy so states ". . . any candidate, at any time, can be removed from elections . . ." and ". . . exclusions could be made on unfounded information."
Did Pierre-Louis Opont commit treason to the Nation of Haiti
In 2015, Mr. Pierre-Louis Opont who was at the time the President of the CEP in Haiti and who also was responsible to conduct election in 2000 admitted that the result of the election he publishes in 2000 was contrary to the actual results and that he was obligated to publish the results fabricated to avoid popular uprising.
Taking a closer look at the whole incident, one might conclude that Mr. Opond has actually conspired with the international community to arm the sovereignty of Haiti. He allowed Michel Martelly to be qualified for the run off election in lieu of Jude Célestin of the political party INITE who earned square and fair that right. Ironically, Pierre-Louis Opont was rewarded by Michel Martelly as he was chosen to run the next election in 2015.
Pierre Louis Opont and the imposed 2010 election results
In an interview with Valery Numa of Radio Vision 2000 on July 2, 2015, the actual President of the CEP, Mr. Pierre Louis Opont stated publicly as he has done in the past that the election results on the first round were different than the ones he published. The decision was imposed on him. Mr. Opont went on to explain that he felt obligated to go along with that particular decision to declare the wrong candidate as the winner because as he stated, he wanted to avoid a blood bath
To put it simply, our current President Michel Martelly was not qualified to go to the run-off election. If it was not for Mr Pierre Louis Opont who accepted to ignore the wishes of the Haitian population but instead agreed to plot with some foreign interests against them, we would have had a different president. Our president today would have been either Mirlande Manigat or Jude Célestin.
Candidacy of Jacky Lumarque of VERITE rejected by CEP
The Provisional Electoral Council has reconsidered its initial decision and now has decided to remove Jacky Lumarque of the Verite Party from the race for not having his discharge certificate which is a requirement by the electoral decree in its Article 90. Mr. Jacky Lumarque was the candidate for the Political Party VERITE which was formed by former president Rene Preval.
According to the CEP, the candidate of VERITE did not provide a dischage certificate for his management as Coordinator of the Working Group on Education and Training (GTEF). The letters from the Superior Court of Auditors and Administrative Disputes (CSC/CA) demonstrated that the candidacy of Jacky Lumarque was approved without a standard-level décharge.
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