Port au Prince - Haiti Observer Blog

Port au Prince, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Port au Prince


Haiti Preps For First-Ever Mountain Bike Race

Are you into mountain bike racing? Do you love nature? Do you want to conquer undiscovered places in Haiti? If yes, then don't let yourself get left behind. It's time for you to register at the upcoming Mountain Bike Haiti Stage Race. The first-ever pro race will kick off on January 30 next year.

The race track runs through the Haiti National Park, some parts of which are still unchartered territory. During the five-day event, competitors are set to participate in ecosystem building projects. Then, they will race through a total of 85 miles, biking along the Chaine de la Selle mountain range; starting from Port au Prince to Jacmel. The participants are expected to traverse extreme terrains and rocky roads. The event will close with a Carnaval celebration, wherein participants will get to party with the locals in Jacmel community.

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Haiti Has developed a National Security Plan, Will it solve crime?

Accompanied with the Superior Council of the National Police last Tuesday, Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe appeared before the Permanent Commission of Justice and Public Security of the Chamber of Deputies to discuss a national security plan for Haiti.

What does that mean?

There have been many of such meetings in the past why people in Haiti continues to be victims of violent crime, including armed robbery, homicide, rape, and kidnapping!

According to Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe: "Ensuring security in the country is a priority of the Government". He stated that he had a meeting with the Superior Council of the National Police and they have come to the two following agreements:

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Haiti offers to Canada the biggest growth opportunity

Considering the economic situation of many countries in the world, Haiti is looking more and more attractive as a place for doing business to many countries in the world that are focusing on growth. Haiti presents itself as a country where a lot of money can be made; at least, this is what the Canadian government believes. In a world where the competition is fierce and each country is looking out for their own interest, Canada is not an exception.

The Harper Government will lead a trade mission to Santo Domingo and Port-au-Prince from September 2 to 7, 2012 to open the door to new opportunities in that market for these Canadian companies. Twenty organizations, primarily from the infrastructure and , will be participating in the trade mission.

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