Sex Abuse - Haiti Observer Blog
Sex Abuse, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Sex Abuse
Eight Haitian teens arrested for raping 16 year old girl in Fort Lauderdale
You are looking at the picture of three Haitian teenagers who have been accused for raping a 16 year old girl in a vacant home in fort Lauderdale. According to the Police, the girl told them that on May 14, the girl met her boyfriend James Dorelus, then several friends of her boyfriend arrived. She tried to get away but two other teens grabbed her and sexually assaulted her. While the girl continued to struggle, two more teens came into the room and over the next several hours, she was forced to engage in sexual acts with eight of them.
Program Director at Radio Vision 2000 robbed and sexually assaulted
We learned that the the Programming Director at Radio vision 2000 was the victim of robbery and sexual assault yesterday. Early on Monday, an unidentified person broke into her home and rapped her. That person also waled out with her telephone, laptop and Ipod. Source:
Sexual Abuse is every one's problem!
Haitian Kreyol:
Yo vòlè Direktè Pwogram nan Radyo Vizyon 2000, plis fè li abi sèksuèl
Nou te aprann ke Direktè Pwogram nan Radyo Vizyon 2000 te viktim vòl ak atak seksyèl yè. Bonè nan Lendi, yon moun ki pa idantifye te kaze kay li. Moun sa te profite abize li sèksuèlman epi soti ale ak telefòn li, konpitè pòtatif ak Ipod. Sous:
Founder of Haiti Orphanage Falsely Accused of Sex abuse
Paul Kendrick, a Maine activist for sexual abuse victims, from his desk in Freeport, led an email and blog campaign publicizing and accusing Michael Geilenfeld, the founder of St. Joseph's Home for Boys and North Carolina-based 'Hearts with Haiti' in false allegation of child abuse. In late 2011, he sent out emails to hundreds of people accusing Geilenfeld of being a serial pedophile and 'Hearts with Haiti' of refusing to do anything about him.
The jury has awarded $7 million in damages to Michael Geilenfeld and $7.5 million to the Hearts with Haiti, although seven Haitian men had testified that they were molested by Geilenfeld. However,, it has been learnt that Mr. Kendrick never met Michael or any residents or staff of the homes, and having never visited any of the three children's homes for disabled and disadvantaged children in Haiti. Many observers are of opinion that Mr. Kendrick had the intention to disrupt St. Joseph Family's fundraising network in the United States and Canada, targeting their largest donors, fundraisers in the U.S and Canada. The Department of Homeland Security had launched an exhaustive investigation into Mr. Kendrick's claims and found them to be baseless.
Himmler Rebu revealed corruption and abuse at the Minister of Sport
Taking an opportunity offered to him by Liliane Pierre-Paul of Radio Kiskeya and Valery Numa of Radio Vision 2000, Colonel Himler Rebu brought some shocking information he learned in the Minister of Sport that he had the chance to manage for the past Nine months. The Colonel gave us a glance on how the Minister has been operating and it is likely to make any citizen of this land very sad.
Here is some of the things mentioned: History of sexual aggression, pedophile placed in position to hurt children, allowing foreigners to involve in human trafficking of our children, Minister having a debt of over 58 million gourdes, more than 100 employees of the Minister never work but collect their checks monthly, Former Minister paying employees for their private businesses with funds from the minister.
Sexual violence against Women in Haiti
Sexual violence against women in Haiti is widespread and has a long history. There are records of women being raped by soldier that arrived in Haiti with Christopher Columbus from 1492.
When Haiti was the French colony known as Saint-Domingue (1625 - 1789) rape was a popular method of torture in the slavery based economy. Sexual violence was also rife during the Haitian Revolution (1789 - 1804) and the American occupation of Haiti (1915 - 1934).
In an effort to suppress political opposition, thousands of women were subjected to sexual violence during the dictatorships of Francois Duvalier, Jean-Claude Duvalier and Raoul Cedras, in the 20th century.
Michigan Matthew Andrew Carter, sentenced to 165 years for sexually abusing children in Haiti
Matthew Andrew Carter, a man from Michigan, USA, who operated a home for poor children in Haiti as a guise through which he could sexually abuse the children, has been sentenced to 165 years in prison by a judge in Miami. The 68 year old man tried to discredit the witnesses who spoke against him, but, after an hour and a half of deliberations, the federal jury convicted Carter on five counts of leaving the United States for the specific purpose of sexually assaulting minors as well as one count of attempting child sex tourism.
Modern day slavery exists in many forms
Whether the victim is tricked into owing a debt, forced into servitude, or sent to work as an unpaid domestic, all are forms of slave labor.
Sources in the international community say that enslavement is a threat to anybody by virtue of random circumstances not under their control. In some instances, victims are lured by promises of a better life. Preying upon the destitute and naïve from underdeveloped countries, seeking a way out of their misery, these predators ensnare and coerce their victims into debt bondage.
An illustration of this method of slavery is the plight of illegal crossing over the border from Mexico into the U.S. Lured by rumors of work, they are picked up during the border cross and told there are jobs waiting for them. They ride for days, caged within the vehicle, with no chance to eat or relieve themselves.
Human Trafficking a 32 Billion Dollars Industry
A United Nations report on human trafficking reveals the shocking scope and severity of the problem.
Figures state approximately 2.5 million of the world's population is recruited into forced labor in any given time frame. Of this number, 1.4 million are in South Asia. Overall, 80% of them are used in sexual slavery and 17% in forced labor. The industry of human trafficking yields $32 billion yearly.
Human traffickers claim jobs are available in a given field, often placing classifieds tempting young and desperate women. Once there, they will be forced into prostitution, or sold as sexual slaves to third parties. The age of most human trafficking victims ranges from late teens into mid-twenties.
Death threat by MINUSTAH to friend who disclosed Rape Video
We have a video of the interview between reporter Guyer Delva and friends of the rape victim. This is a voice report only. Five Uruguayan peacekeepers in Haiti sexually molested an 18-year-old man in an attack reportedly captured by a cellphone camera.
In the original report, you can see several men laughing as they pin down a young man on a mattress. It seems to me that MINUSTAH has not been positive all positive in their involvement in Haiti. They are at the root of the cholera outbreak as it was confirmed that a unit of peacekeepers from Nepal was responsible for the epidemic that killed more than 6,200 people and sickened more than 438,000.
The Sex Bondage Industry
The sex bondage trade most often ensnares female adult and child victims.
Forced into various kinds of sex bondage, perpetrators feed on them. The crime of sex bondage has many purposes, from single-ownership to religious ritualism, in which the sex bondage trade flourishes. Criminal syndicates, high-level government functionaries, depraved netherworld perverts, and dedicated human rights members all use victims of transnational human trafficking for sexual purposes. The international sex bondage trade is a world-wide phenomenon, particularly in South and East Asia.
Commercial sexual exploitation of children embraces activities such as "turning out" child prostitutes, and using them as fodder for child pornography and sex tourism. Any and all kinds of sexual activities are perpetrated on children, some of young as six. Sex bondage can occur as a tangential activity for debt bondage and transportation of brides for forced marriages.
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