Silicon Valley - Haiti Observer Blog

Silicon Valley, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Silicon Valley


Haiti welcome Google, Facebook, Silicon Valley for tech summit

On Tuesday and Wednesday and Ednesday of this week, the place to be was at the Royal Decameron Indigo Beach Resort & Spa in Haiti where social entrepreneurs, influencers and startup innovators kicked off a two-day technology summit.

The Haiti Tech Summit brought into the country over 100 speakers representing Google, Facebook, Uber and Airbnb. The summit will cover topics such as how to launch a startup, the importance of smart cities and branding, hoping to transform Haiti into a hub of innovation.

The sold-out event at the Royal Decameron Indigo Beach Resort & Spa had more than 450 attendees.

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Laurent Lamothe touring Silicon Valley, in search of innovation

The Haitian Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe had the opportunity to be with the people at the cutting edge of technology as well as the most powerful and successful in term of business.

He met some of the most successful corporate executives of Silicon Valley, including elite tech firms like Google, Facebook and apple to ask for support some of their innovation with Haiti.

Here are some of the most innovative tech Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe visited:

- Internet-connected eyeglasses (By Google)
- Company's driverless car (By Google)

According to Laurent Lamothe, "Technology can help us bridge the development barrier we have today."

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Haiti's Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe Visits Silicon Valley

The Haitian Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe on a whirlwind tour visited the most elite tech firms in Silicon Valley on November 20, 2013 and persuaded some of the world's wealthiest and most successful corporate executives to extend support with innovative ideas to the poorest country in the Americas. The Prime Minister spent the day by visiting some of the best technology companies like Google, Facebook and Apple. Lamothe joined many CEOs, stream of politicians and celebrities and did brisk business while schmoozing and discussing the role of technology in changing lives. He commented that technology has the ability to break barriers to success.

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