South Africa - Haiti Observer Blog
South Africa, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about South Africa
Haitian Embassy Evicted in Pretoria for Unpaid Rent
According to IOL News (Independent Online, South Africa), on Friday, July 18th, Judge Janse van Nieuwenhuizen of the Pretoria High Court has ruled an order to attach all the moveable properties of the Haitian embassy in Waterkloof for non-payment of rent for 10 months amounting to R550,500 (South African Rand, about US$44,265). The embassy had failed to pay the home rent of about R50,000 per month to its landlords Nosisi Thomaza Sotuku and Ann Hacquebord. One of the landlords has said, she did not notice that the rent was not being paid regularly because she was mourning the death of her husband. The court order was issued under the principle of "tacit hypothec", which gives right to attach tenant's property under such similar circumstances. In his interim order, the judge has said that the Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff may enter the embassy premises and can remove to attach all moveable property belonging to the embassy.
Haitian Embassy evicted in South Africa, possessions confiscated
Breaking News - The latest embarrassment for the Haitian government. According to website in Pretoria in South Africa, ( a judge in Pretoria ordered all furniture at the Haitian Embassy be kept in a storage until the embassy is able to settle its debt. The embassy has not paid it rent obligation for over 10 months for a total of R550 500.
Personnel at the Haitian embassy did not let their possessions confiscated without a fight. The website reported that upon the arrival of the truck to evacuate the property, personnel at the embassy called police to report robbery. The Police was met by the sheriff as they were ordered to take possession.
Laurent Lamothe at the Session of the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Convergent histories aren't the only things that Haiti shares with the nations of the African Union. There is also a similar outlook for the future regarding their countries. It is this current and future point of synchronicity that Haitian Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe wished to capitalize on when he participated in the Assembly of the African Union's 22nd Ordinary Session.
Fresh off his part in the Economic Forum's 44th session in Davos, Lamothe flew to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for the AU meeting held from January 28 to 31, 2014. With the aim of the meeting being to hold talks on issues such as the security of food and agriculture, peace, the security of Africa and international trade, Lamothe found himself in a good position as observer of the meeting to glean new ideas and discuss possible partnerships to better aid Haiti.
Should Jean Bertrand Aristide have been invited to Nelson Mandela's funeral?
Mezanmi, ou pap konnin ki lè problem nan peyi sa ap fini non. Konye-a anpil moun ap reproche Prezidan Michel Martelly paceke li pa te invite Jean Bertrand Aristide pou li ale avek li nan lantèman Nelson Mandela. Yo di ke Aristid pase anpil tan nan Afrik Di Sid epi se ta yon facon pou Matelly te fè yon jes de Inyon
Critics have been saying that Michel Martelly missed an opportunity to show union when he decided to attend the Funeral of Nelson Mandela, not inviting former President Jean Bertrand Aristide. Just like Barack Obama did in inviting George W. Buch, just like François Hollande did in inviting Nicolas Sarkozy to go with them, Michel martelly should have done the same.
President Martelly in South Africa for Nelson Mandela funeral
Accompanied by his wife Sophia, the minister of Foreign Affairs, Pierre Richard Casimir and Senator Andris Riché, President Michel Martelly is in South Africa for the funeral of Nelson Mandela.
The State funeral is scheduled for Tuesday, December 10, 2013 at the Soccer City Stadium in Johannesburg, a facility with the capacity for 94,000 people. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of the same week, the body of Nelson mandela will be forwarded in procession in Pretoria. On Sunday, December 15, he will be buried in his home village, Qunu.
Our president will be for the first time in the presence of many powerful individuals from all over the world. More than 50 head of states are expected to be in Johannesburg for the occasion.
Nelson Mandela, very close and personal Interview
Here is an interview conducted by Ted Koppel with Nelson Mandela just minutes after his release from prison. Keep in mind that before this historic day, no one has seen him for over 27 years.
Yon bagay pou nou remake, se ke Koppel comanse interview a avek yon kestion ke li panse Nelson Mandela pa tap attan. Premye question pa ginyin anyin pou ouè avek sa tout moun tap attan. Li poze li yon kestion so box comm Nelso te yon gran boxer.
Watch the first interview Nelson gave to the press immediately after his release
Message from Jean Bertrand Aristide on the death of Nelson Mandela
The former Haitian president Jean Bertrand Aristide gave a message to the press in the occasion of the death of Nelson Mandela. The letter was addressed to the current president of South Africa, Mr. Jacob Zuma
O mwen Titid montre li pa Ingra.
Mezanmi se moun nan South Afrika ki te ba li ladomi le__ ke "Zot " te mete li deyor na payi li
After his second exile in mid-2004, Jean Bertrand Aristide and his family were welcomed to South Africa. He lived with his family in a government villa in Pretoria, received a salary from and provided staff by the South African government Aristide also learned Zulu
The Life of Nelson Mandela
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, popularly referred to as Nelson Mandela was born on 18th July 1918 in South Africa's Transkei. He was the son of Tembu Tribe's chief Henry Mandela. He studied in College of Fort Hare and University of Witwatersrand. In 1942, he attained his law degree. In 1944 he joined the African National Congress and joined in a resistance in 1948 against apartheid policies of the then ruling National Party. During 1956-1961, he was held on trial for treason but in 1961 he was acquitted.
Newsmaker Interview: Nelson Mandela, 1990
In 1960 when ANC was banned, Mandela proposed a military wing in ANC. In 1961 however, this proposal was considered to be a violent tactic and yet allowed the willing members of ANC to join Neslon Mandela's proposal without any fear. As a result, Umkhonto we Sizwe was formed. Mandela was arrested and sentenced to imprisonment with hard labor for a period of 5 years. In 1963 several Umkhonto we Sizwe and ANC fellow members were arrested and Mandela was once again charged for plotting the overthrow of the ruling party/government by using violence. In 1964, Mandela along with 7 others was sent for life imprisonment.
Haitian-American Patrick Gaspard Named U.S. South African Ambassador
Haitian-American Patrick Gaspard has just been selected by U.S. President Barack Obama as Ambassador to South Africa. Originally from the Republic of Congo, his family immigrated to New York City when he was still a child. He has been involved in local and national politics almost three decades.
He began his career as a public servant working as a Deputy Assistant during New York Mayor David Dinkins term in office. That position led him to become head of the New York City Council. In 2003, he entered national politics and served as an advance man for Howard Dean's presidential campaign. Having acquired political chops, he got involved with union politics, holding the position of Executive Vice President and Political Director of Service Employees International Union.
The airplane carrying Jean-Bertrand Aristide has landed in Haiti
The historic event is finally a reality. Former Haitian president Jean-Bertrand Aristide is back in Haiti after spending seven years in exile.
His airplane touched down at Toussaint L'Ouverture airport on Friday, March 18, at 9:21am.
An exclusivity from The "Haitian Joudalist". We will be providing the first pictures and videos as they become available
Jean-Bertrand Aristide was forced into exile in 2004 by a rebellion headed by Guy Philippe and Chambain. Aristide declared that the US orchestretated the coup d'Etat. He went on exile in South africa and he has been living in South Africa since 2004
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