Superstition - Haiti Observer Blog

Superstition, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Superstition


Things you will not do not to cause a parent's death?

on't tell me that you are not superstitious or you don't believe on certain common events or occurrences are connected to future events. How many people do believe that if you walk around with one shoe on, you're calling one of your parents to the grave. How about by crawling on your knees or walking on your knees your mother will die? Admit it, you will not sweep the floor at night fearing your mother will die. Last but not least, if you walk with one shoes, your mother will soon die.

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Legal Expert Says 2011 Constitution Does Not Endanger Voodoo Faith

An on-going debate over whether the practice of voodoo is being threatened by the amended 1987 Constitution has stirred the embers of its practitioners' fears.

Voodoo, brought to Haiti by Congolese slaves, became entrenched in Haitian culture, early in its history.

In 1935, under the rule of Stenio Vincent, the 1935 Decree Law defined voodoo as a superstitious belief system and banned the practice of it. For over 50 years, the Decree Law was not tampered with. By 1987, though, the amended Constitution struck down the Decree Law with Article 297, invalidating the definition of voodoo as a superstitious practice. A presidential decree on April 4, 2003, further legitimized the voodoo faith. But in May 2011, Article 297 was annulled, and has given rise to fears that voodooists would suffer persecution for their beliefs.

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No Protection for Voodoo Religion by Amended Haiti Constitution

The majority of modern-day Haitians believes in and practices at least some aspects of voodoo. In 1935, a law effectively stated the practice of Voodoo as superstitious, noting that individuals who participate in different ceremonies and practices that function as an offering to local deities such as the sacrificing of livestock could be fined or even imprisoned. It was then abolished in the 1987 constitution due to the change in government and the protests of Haitians. In 2003, Voodoo was officially recognized as an official religion in Haiti, meaning it enjoyed the same rights and legal protections as any other religion.

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No Discrimination on Voodoo through Article 297, Government Reassures Vodouisants

There has been concern over article 297 which had been pending since 1935 of Haiti's constitution recently signed by President Michael Martelly. The article, which had not been promulgated yet, was acting against all superstitious practices and Voodoo practice as well. The National Confederation of Haitian Vodoo head, Mrs. Euvonie Auguste, expressed her fears and said that currently, inclusion of article 297 of the constitution removes the legal protection that that voodoo was enjoying for a long time. According to her, Voodoo religion and its followers were bound to be discriminated by law and by the society at large prompting them to seek other means of protection.

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May 21, 2011 Judgement Day - What are you doing on your last day

Is judgement Day here yet? Can someone tell me what time it will happen? I want to be at a party celebrating when it comes. By the way, can I comeback as Zombie?

Am I dead yet?

You probably see signs popped all over the world announcing that christ is coming on May 21, 2011 and that the world will end by October 21. According to the prediction, the rapture will be on May 21, 2011 and that God will destroy the earth and the univers within five Months.

In Haiti, there are huge billboards posted with the sign saying that the world will end on May 21, 2011.

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