Thomas Jacques - Haiti Observer Blog
Thomas Jacques, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Thomas Jacques
Agriculture Minister Thomas Jacques Promotes Banana Production
At this year's World Food Day in Haiti the theme was "Sustainable food systems at the service of food security and nutrition". Minister of Agriculture, Thomas Jacques, spoke on banana production, which has declined noticeably within the last two decades. The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture issued a report, citing banana production was under 450,000 metric tons by 2009. In 1999 banana production was 600,000 metric tons.
Bananas are one of the largest-volume exports Haiti has had in the past, and Jacques hopes for resurgence in banana production and consumption in the future. With funds available to up banana production, employment opportunities would increase and food insufficiency decrease.
Minister of Agriculture, Thomas Jacques, monitoring work at Riviere Grise
Departmental Director of the West, Mr. Arnoux Severin and Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Thomas Jacques together went on a monitoring survey of the gabionade and clearing works in Rivière Grise. The purpose of the visit by the two Agricultural Engineers was to monitor the work progress.
The overall project has an estimated cost of 62 million gourdes which will come from the state government treasury. The work spans over an area of length 6.3 km. This project will go through three major bridges which include Tabarre Bridge, Croix-des-Missions Bridge and Duvivier Bridge. The work will end at Duvivier Bridge. The Duvivier Bridge is located in the Cité Soleil town. The estimated time frame for the entire work has been calculated to be 3 months.
The ministerial cabinet of the government Laurent Lamothe
The new Ministerial cabined for Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe is out and we have the names. Many of the same individuals were kept in their positions. Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe presented his general policy before the Haitian Senators and it was approved before midnight on May 8, 2012
The ministerial cabinet of the government Martelly-Lamothe is composed of 16 Ministers. Here they are:
Ronsard St-Cyr, Minister of Social Affairs and Labor
Thomas Jacques, Minister of Agriculture Natural Resources and Rural Development
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religious Affairs - Laurent Lamothe
Launching of New Artificial Lakes by President Michael Martelly in Baie-de-Henne
The Northwest region of Haiti, which has been suffering from prolonged drought periods, will be bound to experience a new change altogether after construction of artificial lakes. The project which involved the construction of over 160 artificial lakes was well appreciated by the local dwellers that would use the new resource for fishing, watering their animals and using it for irrigation. With the established artificial lakes up and running, local dwellers will be in a position to adequately suffice their food needs and earn some income from the economic activities promoted by the new resource in the region, President Martelly said.
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