US Embassy - Haiti Observer Blog
US Embassy, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about US Embassy
U. S. Embassy New Policy for Visa Appointments in Haiti
Consul General of the United States Embassy, Jay Thomas Smith, held a media conference at the American Embassy to discuss the processing of temporary visas. It seems a number of travel agencies wanting to jump to the head of the line to get temporary visas are running a scam, which is increasing the wait time for general applicants to receive their visas.
Travel agencies are using made-up numbers, which the U.S. Embassy does not question, in order to save chunks of appointment times for their employees. As a result of snatching appointment times away from general applicants, wait times have increased through no fault of their own or the U.S. Embassy's.
Haitians en Route to U.S. Embassy met barricades, tear gas
Another day of protest came and went in Haiti. Thousands of Haitians demonstrated on November 29, 2013 to demand that President Michel Martelly steps down.
This time the objectives of the protest were to ask the US Government to stop supporting the government of Michel Martelly and also to commemorate the election day massacre in Ruelle Vaillant.
Senator Moise Jean Charles wanted to meet uncle Sam; However, it did not happen. The group that went to march in front of the US Embassy met instead Riot police who blocked the area with barricades water cannon.
Anti Martelly protest underway to commemorate Ruelle Vaillant Massacre
It has been reported that the protest is well and they are in direction to the American Embassy as promised. There is also report that another major protest is currently taking place in the city of Cap-Haitian as well. They are close to Gerals Bataille
Here is a step by step report of the protest:
2:00 PM: Heavy police presence at the crossroads Fleuriot, the main road leading to the US Embassy in Por-au-Prince.
The police dispersed with tear gas protesters who wanted to reach the US Embassy. Another leg of the protesters headed by Fanmi Lavalas party Maryse Narcisse went to Ruelle Vaillant.
Moise Jean Charles, Woue Pa Woue, Manifestasyon Douvan Ambasad
According to Moise Jean Charles, the anti-government demonstration will take place at the U.S. Embassy in Tabarre November 29. They will be in Tabarre to give a message to the US Ambassador. Moise Jean Charles wants the Americans to come and remove Michel martelly from office.
Mezanmi Moise Jean Charles di li Pap Fe bak. Vle pa Vle, Woue Pa Woue, Pare Pa pare, Randevou devan Ambasad. Mezanmi Gin gro neg oui nan payi sa.
According to Moise Jean charles after unsuccessful attempt to meet the children of Petion in Petion-Ville, the children of Dessalines will meet Uncle sam
Is the opposition biting more they can chew by protesting at US Embassy?
The leaders of MOPOD is determined to hold the next protest on November 29 in front of the US Embassy in Port-au-Prince on November 29, 2013. This is a new land that the opposition leader is venturing in by deciding to scheduling their next protest in front of the US Embassy. Are they will they accept the consequences.
Since September 11, 2001 where several terrorist attacks were launched by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda upon the United States in New York City and Washington, D.C., the policy of the United States has changed as to what constitutes a threat to them. Having a huge crowd of people gathering in front of their embassy in protest, can be categorized as such a threat.
Opposition to protest at US Embassy on November 29
The opposition has a new slogan. After unsuccessfully attempting to meet Petion, Dessalines will visit Uncle Sam as new protest isa scheduled at the US Embassy in Port-au-Prince on November 29, 2013
As the Opposition in Haiti intends to keep up the pressure on President Michel Martelly to leave office, they are scheduling to stage new demonstration. According to the leaders of the opposition, the next randez-Vous is for November 29 at the US embassy in Port-au-Prince.
They promised to liberate the country. According to the opposition, this is the Bulan:
Services provided by Embassy - List of Haitian Embassies
Embassies are representatives of a country within another. They are often treated as places of refuge for those stranded, hunted or lost in a foreign country, but are mostly used to host dignitaries, are homes to ambassadors, and deal with issues of international politics as well as business.
It's important to know:
• They differ from consulates that only operate to assist travelers or those living and working abroad.
• They are always located in the capital city of the country.
Run to your embassy for:
• Visas.
• Lost passports.
• Casting absentee ballots during elections.
• Filing taxes.
• Birth certificates (to children of two naturalized citizens).
• Notices of death.
• Emergency fund transfers and loans.
• Advice on opening businesses in foreign country, immigration laws (specifically for those intending to marry foreign nationals) and how to navigate the legal system of the country you're visiting (they also contact your relatives at home if you're in trouble).
• They also file complaints on your behalf if you are mistreated while incarcerated.
• They help to locate missing people through their extensive web of contacts, unless a person has asked not to be located.
Tabarre A Small Town In Haiti
Tabarre is a municipality and a small town located in Haiti's Central American Republic and Ouest Department in the Port-au-Prince Arrondissement. It is 7 kilometers southeast of the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince. It spreads across an area of 24.47 square kilometers and has an estimated population of 118,477 as per 2009 census.
Location Of US Embassy In Tabarre
Embassy of the United States was constructed recently in Tabarre, in the suburban area just outside the capital Port-au-Prince. The January 2010 earthquake ravaged the region badly. A lot of efforts are being put to develop the region.
Political Asylum Sought By Sony Thelusma, 'Ti Sony'
The famous "Ti Sony" attempted to seek political asylum in January, 2013 at the US Embassy, according to sources. He was afraid for attempts on his life.
Sony Thelusma, AKA Ti Sony had filed a complaint against Jean Bertrand Aristide for exploitation.
His group had planned to put up a demonstration with a sit-in at the U.S. Embassy in Port-au-Prince. However, this did not turn out the way it was planed. Police in Delmas police was called by the American officials and as a result, Sony Thelusma, AKA Ti Sony and hid group were picked up and taken to jail by Delmas Police
Outside influence on Haiti. Who is looking out for Haiti - Video
This is an interesting video about the information Wikileaks was able to capture about the outside influence on Haiti.
These information actually showed the pressure exercised by the American Government on Haiti, whether economic or political. As the Wikileaks report published by Haiti Liberte showed, Multi million dollar manufacturing companies from the U.S., with the backing of the US Embassy in Haiti did all they could to prevent the minimum wage for factory workers in Haiti to be $5.00 a day. Some of the companies mentioned include Hanes, Fruit of the Loom and Levi's.
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