Wilson Laleau - Haiti Observer Blog

Wilson Laleau, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Wilson Laleau


Haitian government borrowed over a billion of gourde from ONA, no interest

I guess if you have the power, you can make the rules of the game. According to actual document, the actual Director of the National Old Age Insurance Office (ONA), Renald Benjamin is crying fault as he has discovered that the minister of Finance under the government of Michel Martelly, Wilson Laleau, went deep on the fund of the ONA. The government had borrowed a total of One Billion and two hundred million of gourdes from ONA at zero interest. There transactions took place between September 2015 and January 2016 when Emmanuel Menard was in charge of ONA. So far efforts by the current administration of ONA to recover the money have been unsuccessful. The actual Minister of Finance, Yves Romain Bastien, is asking for the current Director of ONA to give him copy of these loan contracts.

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1.5 million Dollars or Wilson Laleau for the release of Eustache St Lot

The president of BMPAD Eustache St Lot should know by now that Minister Wilson Laleau is not a real. Because he did not show up, the president of BMPAD was obligated to spend his entire weekend in Preventive detention. In addition, Minister Laleau doesn't show any sign that he will come to the rescue of his friend. According to an interview with Marie Lucie Bonhomme at Radio Vision 2000, on Monday (May 30, 2016), Government Commissioner Jean Danton Leger is still waiting for Minister Wilson Laleau to confront Eustache St Lot. The two have been contradict each other in recent deposition in the case related to ED'H.

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Wilson Laleau or Eustache Saint-Lot, one is not telling the truth on PetroCaribe

Two high officials of the Martelly government are in front of Danton Leger. One of them is not telling the truth about PetroCaribe fund. Is it former Minister of Economy and Finance, Wilson Laleau or General Manager of the Office of Monetization of Development Aid Programs (BMPAD), Eustache Saint-Lot? However Government Commissioned will know soon who is lying.

Eustache Saint-Lot is currently being kept at a Police station under the directorate of Public Procecutor until Wilson Laleau returns from a trip abroad. Danton Leger has plan to hear the two men in the same place and at the same time because they contradict each other at separate hearing.

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IDB asking where did the money given for Caracol road go

Wilson Laleau and Jacques Rousseau will have some explaining to do in regard to money given by the Inter-American Development Bank (BID) for the construction of road to access the Caracol region. After visiting the site of the project, BID had estimated that the project is incomplete, was not managed well and sufficient documentation has not been provided to justify the expenses. So far, the explanation provided by Wilson Laleau is unacceptable and the Inter-American Development Bank is actually asking for reimbursement.

You may also want to know that the firm "Agritans" that belongs to Presidential candidate Jovenel Moise was one of the companies that benefited from this project.

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Wilson Laleau self invitation to Parquet did not affect his travel interdiction

The former Minister of Finance under Martelly-Paul administration, Wilson Laleau, is still unable to leave the country. Family members, friends living outside of the country will have to wait a while before they can see Mr. Laleau. Contrary to what his attorney, Reynold Geoges, has been saying that his client would not go to the Parquet, on Tuesday, May 17, 2016, the former Minister of Finance invited himself to the Parquet de Port-au-Prince, hoping to convince the Chief of the Parquet to remove the travel restriction; however it did not happen. After spending more than two hours responding to various questions, he came out empty handed.

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FLASH - Bureau of Commissioner Danton leger vandalized, three key files stolen

We just learned that the bureau of the Government Commissioner Jean Danton Leger was vandalized by people non identified. They took away with them three of the most important files that the commissioner has been working on, including: the current file of Laurent Lamothe, Wilson Laleau and the file regarding the boat where cocaine and heroine were found in sugar shipment.

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Laurent Lamothe and Wilson Laleau invited to Parquet

Government Commissioner Danton Leger is once again making waves. He has invited both former Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe and former Finance Minister Wilson Laleau to appear in front of him next week. the chief prosecutors of Port-au-Prince wants to audition former Prime Minister Lamothe on his management of the PetroCaribe funds and also 5 billion gourdes released following hurricane Sandy .

Both former government officials are scheduled for next week. Wilson Laleau is invited to the Parque next Monday at 10:00 a.m. and Mr. Laurent Lamothe, on Tuesday at 10 am

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Wilson Laleau, latest to be included on Travel interdiction list

It appears that Government Commissioner Jean Danton Léger is issuing travel interdiction like you have never seen before. After Alix Celestin and businessman Marc Antoine Acra, former Finance Minister under Michel Martelly, Wilson Laleau, is the latest to be included in the list. According to some reliable sources, the decision was taken by Jean Danton Léger but not made public yet. The decision is expected to be communicated to the press this thursday, April 7, 2016.

What do you think?

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Financial transaction ordered by Wilson Laleau raised red flag

Senator Jean Baptiste Bien-Aime is crying out for vigilance following some huge financial transactions ordered by government officials who were only supposed to be liquidating current affairs. According to the Senator, he has in his possession several financial transactions made by the Minister of Finance, Wilson Laleau, that raise lots of questions. Here are some of the transactions:

On February 18, ONA Director requested to transfer 500 million of gourdes from BRH to account number: 1021011301898 in Unibank.

Also on February 18, ONA ordered the transfer of One Billion of gourdes from BRH to account number 131669799 belonging to ONA

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Peligre Hydroelectric Plant Restoration

The Péligre Hydroelectric Plant, located in Central Department, supplies Haiti with much of the island's electricity needs. But in the past few decades it has deteriorated, neglected by Électricité d'Haiti, the national provider of energy.

Haitian President Martelly has made improving the energy infrastructure a primary focus of his 5 "E" initiative. Germany has responded to Martelly's call for a reliable energy system, by funding the restoration of the PHP. The goal is to provide Haiti with electricity service 24 hours a day in the not- too-distant future.

In an agreement with Germany, Minister of Economy and Finance, Wilson Laleau, along with German Ambassador, Klaus Shick, served as signatories to a memorandum of understanding for the sum of ten million Euros to restore the PHP. The PHP serves the Péligre Hydroelectric Dam (PHD), situated on the Artibonite River. It was constructed under the Artibonite Valley Agricultural Project during the 1930s, producing the Lake Péligre reservoir. Problems with the PHD have developed over past decades with large amounts of silt deposits increasing at an alarming rate. As a result, the reservoir's energy-producing capacity has declined. The cause of the alluvial buildup is deforestation of the island. Only 4%-6% of tree cover remains, when once the entire country was blanketed with forests.

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