RE: Radio Vision 2000, Marie Lucie Bonhomme, Valery Numa, Daly Valet
Iblieve there is apeacefull way of getting rid of jovenel, and realizing the tambulalaza thereafter,,, mim qhe americain gin zam ak larmee we can defeat the system, only stay home like grev general pou 4 jours followed by 3 jour de ravitaillement, pep la ka repran min bagay la, nou ka fe sa pou 3 semaines, min que timoun pedi mwa lekol, internacional bay lagan, pou pep la pa mouri amba bal snipers de maRtelly, nou pa ta minm bezwen bloke pays, ak sa tambulalaza ap realize.
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Radio Vision 2000, Marie Lucie Bonhomme, Valery Numa, Daly Valet
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