
The return of Jean-Bertrand Aristide to Haiti is imminent.

Friends, it is for real. Jean-Bertrand Aristide is definitely going back to Haiti soon. The key word is "IMMINENT". His return to Haiti is certain to take place in the next few days.

"Sa sé Pawol Ki Soti Nan Vant Bef"

We have several sources that confirmed this. A South African official told Associate Press that Jean-Bertrand Aristide would return to Haiti in the next few days. AP also reported that Maryse Narcisse, head of Lavalas Executive Council, confirmed that his return is now certain to take place and that it will be an important event for them who have waited for so long.

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Jean-Bertrand Aristide will be in Haiti before March 20

The "Haitian Joudalist" just learned that Aristide's supporters will not have to wait long before they see their leader in Haiti. Jean-Bertrand Aristide will be in Haiti in about a Month from Now or less. According to his current layer, Ira Kurzban, Jean-Bertrand Aristide will be in Haiti before the Haitian run-off election scheduled for March20.

Attorney Kurzban also confirmed that Jean-Bertrand Aristide received his passport. He said that he is in possession of his passport and now making final preparations for his return.

He also reiterated that Jean-Bertrand Aristide has no political plan. His objective is become involved in education once he returns to Haiti.

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Haitian Government ready to issue Diplomatic passport to Jean-Bertrand Aristide

The "Haitian Joudalist" just learned that The Haitian Government will issue a Diplomatic passport to Jean-Bertrand Aristide so that he can return to Haiti. According to Reuters News, Fritz Longchamp who is the current general secretary for president Rene Preval told the news media: "The Council of Ministers, under the leadership of President Rene Preval, decided that a diplomatic passport be issued to President Aristide, if he asks for it."

On the other hand, Ira Kurzban, who is the current attorney for Jean-Bertrand Aristide, formally requested the passport in a letter to the Haitian authorities. He also requested security for Aristide when he returns to Haiti

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Jean-Bertrand Aristide say I want to go back to Haiti too - Watch Video

Here it is my friend, as it was expected, Jean-Bertrand Aristide wands to go back to his country as well. On January 19, 2010, three days after the surprise return of Jean-Claude Duvalier in Haiti, Aristide wants the same treatment. In the press conference and accompanied with his wife, Mildred, Jean-Bertrand Aristide said: "I am ready to leave today, tomorrow, at any time". He said that in light of the suffering of the Haitian people after the 2010 earthquake, his place is in Haiti to Help."

Here is the video of Jean-Bertrand Aristide press conference:

Jean-Bertrand Aristide went on to say in his news conference that Haiti helped many countries around the world to gain their independence, including the United States. He also explained his current health problems made his exile hard for him. According to Jean-Bertrand Aristide, he does not want to spend the next winter in Sour Africa.

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