Haitian Activist Rodney Moncur: Haitian Flag Day is not a threat to Bahamian
Speaking to a news agency in his country, The Tribune, Bahamian activist Rodney Moncur tried to assuage the population by saying Haitian Flag Day and those who would be hoisting the flag of the fellow Caribbean country on Bahamian shores, were not a threat to the people of the Bahamas.
He noted that his country was a democratic one and that people there were allowed to exercise their freedoms He also noted that Haitian flags were certainly not so strange as there is also a concentration of American and Canadian flags present there.
On the Sunday which was the Haitian Flag Day, Rodney Moncur stood alongside his Haitian friends and hoisted the flag in celebration, stating that, even at his office, the flag is brand new and on display. He went further to say that he did not feel a threat from Haitian people or those of Haitian descent who would be hoisting their flags on the day.
Rodney Moncur thinks it's such a wonderful celebration he would encourage his own government and citizens to adopt their own version of Haiti's Flag Day. It is the best time for the induction of such a festivity as well, since, within the coming weeks, the country will be celebrating 40 years as an independent land. He laments that in those 40 years no one has taken the initiative to instigate a Bahamian Flag Day.
He also noted that good practices to adopt from their Haitian brethren are those of the care of women and children, the importance of education and a healthy working attitude.
Read more: Bahamas, Activist, Community Activist, Rodney Moncur, People
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