Anger - Haiti Observer Blog
Anger, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Anger
Senator Wencesclas Lambert broke Daniel Theodore's teeth
This can happen only in my beloved country of Haiti. A Senator of the Republic of Haiti publicly stated that he punched a citizen who did not attack him. Not only he punched the citizen, but he hit him twice. He further states the only reason he did not arrest the citizen is because his security personnel was not there.
The incident took place on March 9 at a meeting between the Senator and members of MORACS. Senator Wencesclas Lambert became angry after Daniel Theodore reminded him that some of his promises were not delivered
Deputy Fritz Gerald Bourjolly uncontrollable During Finance Committee Meeting
Once again, a member of the Haitian Chamber of Deputy with a problem of anger management.
During a Finance Committee held by Deputy Rodon Bien-Aime, Deputy Fritz Gerald Bourjolly of Aquin got very upset to the point where he started throwing microphones, glasses, desks and anything he could find in the room to express his frustration.
Here is the video footage of the scene.
Here is Arnel Belizaire in action....
As you may recollect, this is not the first time the Chamber of Deputies was victimized following the frustration of its members. Haitian Deputy Arnel Belizaire recently exploded at the Haitian parliament, throwing a total of three desks across the room in a similar incident.
Contributory Reasons for Feeling Anger Long after Abortion Has Taken Place
Emotional interruptions are inevitable after undergoing any form of traumatizing experience. Abortion is not an exception and any patient who undergoes the procedure without dealing with emotional maturely will definitely experience emotions of anger long after undertaking the abortion treatment. What causes the anger feeling is a misery t many. The section that follows will try to bring to light the contributory reasons for persons nursing the feelings of anger long after the abortion treatment.
Many persons who undertake abortion might have not reconsidered their decision before settling for the final decision to eliminate the pregnancy. This means that some may have concluded to eliminate the pregnancy due to the rude shock of realizing that they are pregnant. They are scared to the point that they will spend little time to consider the available options. Sometimes, they may be pressured to have the abortion and do not have the time to consider the risks deeply. This realization brings the feeling of anger in that they realize they could have spent little more time to think about abortion before undergoing the procedure.
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