Bill and Melinda Foundation - Haiti Observer Blog

Bill and Melinda Foundation, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Bill and Melinda Foundation


Bill and Melinda Foundation to Fight Health Threats in Haiti

Haiti never had a comprehensive health system that could eliminate its multiple health threats. Its health care system always attempts to address immediate public health needs. Since the beginning of the epidemic in 2010, cholera remains a major threat in Haiti, very little has been done to improve the conditions that could enable the continued spread of the disease.

In Haiti, 'Malarial areas' are mainly rural and below 500 meters of altitude, the risk is lower in coastal areas. There are many reported cases of diseases transmitted by food, water or through the environment and transmitted by contact with infected people. It is one of the poorest countries in the Americas, where around 3/4th of the population live on less than $2.00 a day who cannot even pay their transportation cost to reach their nearest health center.

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