17% of Haitian women think it's OK to be beaten by their husbands

The problem of Domestic violence will not likely go away soon in Haiti. Unless many people in the society change their attitude, husband will continue to beat their wife for burning the food, arguing with him, going out without telling him, neglecting the children or refusing to have sex. This is what the Mortality, Morbidity and Utilization Survey (EMMUS-VI) revealed.


According to the report, the percentage of Haitian men aged 15-49 who think it is justified for a husband to beat his wife or partner is as follows:
15-19 years old: 15.2%
20-24 years old: 12.8%
25-29 years: 10.2%
30-34 years: 7.9%
35-39 years: 7.9%
40-44 years: 7.1%
45-49 years: 6.8%

For Haitian women aged 15-49 who think it is justified for a husband to beat his wife / partner, according to Mortality, Morbidity and Utilization Survey (EMMUS-VI):
15-19 years: 23.3%
20-24 years old: 14.9%
25-29 years: 15.1%
30-34 years old: 13.1%
35-39 years old: 13.8%
40-44 years old: 15.7%
45-49 years old: 16.1%

As per 6th Mortality, Morbidity and Utilization Survey (EMMUS-VI) conducted by the Haitian Institute of Childhood in collaboration with the Haitian Institute of Statistics and Informatics on Demographic and Health Surveys on domestic violence reveals that about 17% of Haitian women are of opinion that the rate of domestic violence has remained unchanged between 2012 and 2017. On the other hand, men have reported a continuing decline of such rate in last 3 EMMUS (20%, 15%, and then 11%). However, a significant decline was noticed between 2005-2006 and 2012, from 31% to 17%. The recent survey further revealed that 19% of the rural women justified at least one reason for a husband to beat his wife while 13% of the urban women think the same. In case of men population, such rate is fixed at 11% irrespective of their place of residence. Justification level for a man to beat his wife varies with the levels of education-- among men and women with no education, the findings were 11% and 23%, respectively, while those with secondary education, the figures were 9% and 12%, respectively.

The households in the higher economic segment, the right to beat a man his woman is less common. It is only 9% against 24% of the lesser economic well-being. The most common justifications for a husband to beat his wife or partner are found to be any of the following five reasons: argues; burns the food; neglects the children; goes out without telling him; and refuses to have sex with him. A survey was conducted among the men between age groups of 15-19 years and 45-49 years. When they were asked about the most common reason to beat his partner, 15.2% of the men 15 between 19 years, identified one or more of the above five reasons, however, this rate became 6.8% among the men aged between 45 and 49. When the same question was asked to women between age groups of 15 to 19 years and 45 to 49 years, the percentages were 23.3% and 16.1% respectively. The frequency of domestic violence is 10 times more for women who have earlier experience of violence than women who never had such experienced before.

This survey was conducted by the Haitian Institute of Statistics and Informatics with the sponsorship of Ministry of Public Health and with technical assistance from the World Program on Demographic and Health Surveys.

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